hi president kaka

T Fanfan says...

kolanget manmanw pou payi a ou kraze ya. djol santi

Posted by T Fanfan on November 12 2008 at 5:48 PM

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Lavaud Desmoulins, 12-Nov-08 10:01 pm
Preval is an incompetent, drunken fool, who cannot run a kitchen let alone a country. He is an embarrassment to the nation, and on a human scale he is worth less than excrement. However, on this blog it would be nice if people would refrain from usi > >
Linda, 13-Nov-08 9:48 am
avan w kritike presidan nou ki kontribusyon w pou peyia. se kraze brize selman nou prop. pou kisa w pa mande prezidan nou ki jan w kapab ede-l ranje peyia. > >
Haitian 4 Life, 13-Nov-08 10:22 pm
Je me sens attrister de lire les propos de quelqu'un qui n'a ni pere ni mere et qui ne respecte pas la societe.Le bloc n'a pas ete cree pour les sanguinaires,mais pour des gens de bien. Monche ou malonet anpil e ou malelve.Toutfwa,atansyon pou w' pa > >
Serge Desrameaux, 16-Nov-08 7:46 pm
we must respect someone opinion or ideal that is the democratic way of self expression. i felt so sorry for someone who call an head of state this unspeakable words. It seems to me this individual needs at least some.... Mr. president in the name of > >
Dr Bernadin Fleurima, 16-Nov-08 11:31 pm
Fleurima; Did you just apologize for all Haitians. Who died and left you King of Haitians. Your arrogance needs to be contained. You sir have no legitimate right to do anything in my name as a Haitian; not Kiss the presidents rear-end, not kick his r > >
Linda, 17-Nov-08 12:17 am
Fleurima; Did you just apologize for all Haitians? Who died and left you King of Haitians? Your arrogance needs to be contained. You sir have no legitimate right to do anything in my name as a Haitian; not Kiss the presidents rear-end, nor k > >
Linda, 17-Nov-08 1:02 am
Linda, I strongly agree with you and I am hoping when those people post their blogs they are not doing it in the name of the Haitian people. I agree with you wholeheartedly and strongly disagree with those people who handle their pencils backward and > >
Lamar Coffy, 17-Nov-08 8:42 am
Linda, You know better! why wasting so much time, energy and good English to rationalize with someone like that? Can't you tell this blogger is from the very far coner behind the most isolated mountain of Haiti Thomas? Remember the ol'saying "y > >
Tiba, 17-Nov-08 11:08 am
You lacked imagination my friend: here are some epithets for Preval: lack intelligence, lack good judgment, downright dumb lack the power of normal reasoning, and normal speech(cannot speak standard French) Preval is full of presumption, full of e > >
La Lionne, 17-Nov-08 1:44 pm
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