Si les Haitiens abandonnent le diable, dambala wedo, ezuli...

Elie Valerius says...

Si les Haitiens abandonnent le diable, dambala wedo, ezuli danto et co,, Haiti connaitra des jours heureux,
Que Dieu te benisse,,,

The topic is: La consequence de la blancophobie des haitiens
This is a reply to Msg 11246
Posted by Elie Valerius on November 5 2008 at 12:52 AM

Messages in this topic

Kiki You are the most ignorant house-slave known to mankind. Haitians kill whites because they don't like them? You are the only one who was doing very well and live very comfortably with chaines to your ankles. Have you every hear of something > >
Tiba, 7-Oct-08 5:18 pm
greg Only a house-slave could agree with notion that Haitians hate white people and that is why the Haitians killed them. In war times that's what happened, people kill people. It sounds like you are in favor of slavery just like uncle Tom, Kiki. > >
Tiba, 7-Oct-08 5:47 pm
Go to this website! you will see how wrong you are. You forgot history! or you don't know history! the world will be free from all those liars, killers, stealers and criminal whatever race it is! the evil end is here! - > >
Free4ever, 7-Oct-08 8:22 pm
Consultes ce site et tu changeras tes idees. La verite a ete eclatee. Wake up man! ou chire! li trop tard pou jan de panse sa yo. Blan nan dlo pou tet pa yo. Priye ap dechouke tout vole, assassin. Union Sopvietik dekouvri lanfe min-n Ane ya yo kite k > >
Free4ever, 7-Oct-08 8:43 pm
Je trouve qu'on va trop loin en disant que le probleme des Haitiens reside dans le fait qu'ils ont toujours deteste les blancs.Haiti,pour repeter apres le president Fidel Castro,depuis son independance a nos jours s'est toujours trouvee sous embarg > >
Garry Dupre, 10-Oct-08 11:44 am
Si les Haitiens abandonnent le diable, dambala wedo, ezuli danto et co,, Haiti connaitra des jours heureux, Que Dieu te benisse,,, > >
Elie Valerius, 5-Nov-08 12:52 am