let's not and pretend we did

Linda says...

Let's understand something you white racist hypocrite.

Your kind has always used people of color for their own selfish purpose.

These days you invade Haiti like bee swarms because that is what you get paid for. Most of you never even finished high school, but in Haiti you get to feel like you're superior because the Haitian people who are left there now have no pride and no dignity.

By the way, don't even try your slick snake like sweetness here; "I love you Linda or Tiba." I see right through it. That's kind of slick approach might work on people who are desperate for love, but I have absolutely no desperate desires; I am well loved by many; and your serpent like approach can't work on me. And hey, guess what?

I remember well how Satan destroyed paradise; he was slick and sweet just like you. You see, snake, I know my bible stories the same way you do.

I noticed that you tried to sneak another lie in here...you religious fanatic freaks are really good at that--lies and snake-like behavior.

So for those bloggers who didn't pick up on the lie that you try to sneak by them, let me show them how sneaky you really are. DID YOU GUYS NOTICE THAT HE SLYLY TRY TO SAY THAT I SAID I DIDN'T BELIEVE IN GOD?

Your game is real slick; if you say I don't believe in God, than that would explain why I can't stand people like you. Well, you lying snake, I do believe in God. I am a very spiritual person.

What I did say is that I don't believe in snake oil poisons like you. YOU REPRESENT PERFECT EVIL. You and your kind have spread your racist poison all over the world, and when you are done with Haiti, most Haitians with any pride wont even want to spit on it. But than again, that's exactly what you're hoping for; isn't it?

The topic is: Let's start a church on this blog
This is a reply to Msg 11300
Posted by Linda on October 13 2008 at 9:18 AM

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LET'S NOT AND PRETEND WE DID. It's bad enough you religious nuts are all over Haiti trying to take over and teaching our people that they are evil and that whitey is going to save them, while at the same time you do the most perverse things, like mol > >
Linda, 12-Oct-08 5:31 pm
LET'S NOT AND PRETEND WE DID. It's bad enough you religious nuts are all over Haiti trying to take over and teaching our people that they are evil and that whitey is going to save them, while at the same time you do the most perverse things, like > >
Linda, 12-Oct-08 5:33 pm
Linda, You know you love me, and if not you will soon be. God Bless > >
Duvalier Need2 Repent, 12-Oct-08 7:08 pm
Thank you and I treasured your feedback. God Bless > >
Duvalier Need2 Repent, 12-Oct-08 7:12 pm
Linda, I felt your pain and I understood your point and yes you have the right to be angry. Please understand that religious people and the whites aren’t Haiti’s problems. As human beings aren’t perfect either and we’re all make mistakes... > >
Duvalier Need2 Repent, 12-Oct-08 9:05 pm
Oh shut up already! Given the facts of history and present time, religion is and has only been known to bring division to people than it reunites them. So, take your church ideas and and get the hell off this blog as far and as fast as possible. h > >
Will Rosenberg, 12-Oct-08 11:16 pm
Oh shut up already! Given the facts of history and present time, religion is and has only been known to bring division to people than it reunites them. So, take your church ideas and and get the hell off this blog as far and as fast as possible. h > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 12-Oct-08 11:17 pm
Wilgeens, You your self need to give your heart to Jesus before it is too late. Time is all you've got and time is short as blink of an eye. Your comments are it self divisive without the religion. So trust me hell is wide open for the rebell > >
Duvalier Need2 Repent, 13-Oct-08 4:25 am
Duvalier, We all know that religion in this 21st century is BIG business. A bunch of impresionators trying to get rich quick and famous on the back of the weak. Do you really think those of us capable to do critical thinking on this blog will e > >
Tiba, 13-Oct-08 6:27 am
Let's understand something you white racist hypocrite. Your kind has always used people of color for their own selfish purpose. These days you invade Haiti like bee swarms because that is what you get paid for. Most of you never even finished high sc > >
Linda, 13-Oct-08 9:18 am
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