Are Haitans Just Going To Take That Treatment?
Wilgeens Afrolatino Rosenberg says...
I need some Haitians to go see how they are being "dissed" by Dominicans on this site and how we have some other Haitians sucking up by playing small and not saying anything to properly educate those Dominicans pricks.
I mean, as a Dominican-Haitian myself I am tired of Haitians not being able to stand up for themselves and stand up to those obvious hatred and old resentments anti-semitic sentiments being projected by most of the Dominican mass populace there.
Go to the site and go to the forum and read the topics, see how some if not most Dominicans do actually feel about Haitians.
It is time to re-educate the people on the Island of Hispaniola and to find better ways to co-habit the Island without all this hatred and racism.
Posted by Wilgeens Afrolatino Rosenberg on October 9 2008 at 5:51 PM