Well, even though he said that and indeed he is right... the
Well, even though he said that and indeed he is right...
the situation of Haiti being so dependent and in dire need. Haiti or Preval I should say, also cannot afford not to accept any of these aids either.
However, what is the most effective difference is the provision of these aids and how they are appropriated and allocated that is not helping Haiti.
For example: "If you are going to give me an aid, at least give it to me without your set of conditions so I could do what I want to do with the aid and not you telling me what I can or cannot do with the Aid by assigning your own people to dictate what should be done with the very same aid that I will have to pay you back with interest" However, with Haiti's politicians being so corrupted and are in for their own personal pocketed interests, they have been the reasons why the existence of NGO's the World International Committees are so strongly in Haiti calling the shots.
The topic is: Neo-Colonialism 2
This is a reply to Msg 11139
Posted by Will Rosenberg on September 29 2008 at 9:33 AM