Linda, I would disagree with you. Think of Haiti as a straight...

Rubens Titus says...

Linda, I would disagree with you. Think of Haiti as a straight line with a negative slope: the past years will always be higher than the current years.

So comparing the present years with the past years of half-century ago is to me a moot argument.

Haiti started declining seriously since the years of Nord-Alexis not the Duvalier's. Duvalier may have dealt Haiti the last blow but he certainly did instigate Haiti's destruction.

Well, we can always agree to disagree.

The challenge is all written up and the website will be updated by the end of the year.

The topic is: Haiti is a bottomless pit
This is a reply to Msg 11127
Posted by Rubens Titus on September 26 2008 at 3:39 PM

Messages in this topic

When Haiti was ruled by those from the more educated classes it was never in the condition that it is today. That does not mean that the Western nations were not busy trying to destroy us, but we held our own against some major powers. The complete > >
Linda, 26-Sep-08 9:41 am
Linda, I would disagree with you. Think of Haiti as a straight line with a negative slope: the past years will always be higher than the current years. So comparing the present years with the past years of half-century ago is to me a moot argument. > >
Rubens Titus, 26-Sep-08 3:39 pm
Duvalier did not ruin Haiti. He had to have the tonton Macout to keep people in line. Education is key and 90% of Haitians have none, they act like savages. They do not have self control and can destroy a whole city just because they are disappointed > >
Sebastian, 26-Sep-08 5:49 pm
Rubens, you and I never agree on much. National evolution is never a linear line; it is always about ups and downs, good years bad years. The idea is not to constantly have people in power who are too stupid to get the nation out of the bad years. A > >
Linda, 26-Sep-08 6:00 pm
Yes, National evolution has ups and downs true however the linear line is the average of the ups and downs. Even with the overspread scatter plot that Haiti is you can still draw a linear line of the average ups and downs. And that line has a big ne > >
Rubens Titus, 26-Sep-08 8:57 pm