Haitian American, Good, good, good, we seem to be getting some

Haitian American,

Good, good, good, we seem to be getting some traction here. I am waiting for Linda's input on this suggestion too.

Haitian American, for example, if you go to the Bahamas, you will find that everybody is using kerosene stoves and they have been using those stoves long before Jesus Christ came, lol.

Now, as I suggested, this would be a long-term government funded program for all low income families and those families with no incomes; and therefore, the government will develop a plan, which would include a low fixed price of kerosene.

In fact the people are buying the kerosene and have been buying it since the existance of Haiti.

They use kerosene in lamp tet gridap to light their up their homes.

They buy it in whole sale to resell it to the public.

How do they afford it now?

C'mon man! don't go out of your way to make it so complicated to the point to make it look impossible to accomplish.

Beside, all change is difficult and requires sacrifice.

I might be hard on some people at the beginning but the long-term result will worth it.

Also, keep in mind that I said the government should and must subsidize it, which means the government pays let say 85% of the price for the stoves just so everyone can own one.

In my opinion, the kerosene stove is 150% cheaper than cutting down the trees to make charcoal, and more beneficial to the country's environment and ecological.

Think about it!

The topic is: charbon is a good place to start
This is a reply to Msg 10996
Posted by Tiba on September 16 2008 at 5:46 PM