The deforestation issue has to be addressed. Why is the

The deforestation issue has to be addressed.

Why is the Haitian government not planting trees?

Why they do not provide gas stoves to poor Haitians so that they stop cutting down trees?

Haiti is prone mudslides because of widespread deforestation.

If these issues are not addressed, heavy loss of life and destruction will continue.

In 2004, Hurricane Jeanne claimed 3000 lives in Gonaives.

It has been 4 years now and still there is no improvement in Haiti.

In the neighbouring Dominican Republic - which has retained much of its forest cover - the death toll from Jeanne was 19. Common' Haitian people.

The topic is: Rene Preval Accused By USA For Haiti's Problems
This is a reply to Msg 10896
Posted by Greg Peters on September 9 2008 at 8:57 AM