Do you want to know who are the culprits? The people who are...

Greg Peters says...

Do you want to know who are the culprits?

The people who are responsible for getting the country to move forward but are obviously not. First we will start with your famous minister of youth and sports; the current one and the old one. Then, you can take a look at who is the minister of tourism.

Are there any tourists or major tourism projects under way in Haiti?

What happened to the money that President Chavez from Venezuela gave to Haiti to modernized Port-Au-Prince's airport and to have a new airport in Cape-Haitien?

Although this is pseudo-government ran by the "International Commmunity", the following people have to report to the IC on their progress and money given to them. I suggest that the Haitian people demand these elected public servants a progress report and proof what is being done with the budgeted money.

Evans Lescouflair, minister of youth and sports.

Most recently served as a Preval advisor.

He's a former leader of the Konba political party.

He held the same ministerial post during Preval's first presidency (1996-2000).

Paul Antoine Bien-Aime, minister of interior.

The brother-in-law of former Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis, Bien-Aime is a former minister of education, youth and sports during Preval's first presidential mandate.

Patrick Delatour, minister of tourism.

The brother Haiti's late minister of finance and central bank governor, Leslie Delatour.

He is a historian and architect who was among those involved in the renovation of the Citadelle.

Jean-Max Bellerive, minister of planning and external cooperation.

Fluent in English and Spanish he's a career bureaucrat who worked in both of Jean Bertrand Aristide's presidencies.

He was actively involved in the 2000 elections and has worked for the U.N. Development Program in Haiti.

Daniel Dorsainville, minister of finance.

A U.S. educated economist who previously worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Jean Marie Claude Germain, minister of environment.

An engineer who ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2006. He's an engineer by profession and represents the political party UNION.

Joseph Jasmin, liaison between parliament and the executive.

A lawyer and member of Preval's Lespwa coalition, Jasmin is also a former member of the lower chamber of deputies.


Marie Laurence Jocelyn LassÃÆ'¨gue, minister of women's affairs.

She's a former minister of information under Aristide.

She's also been in charge of the provisional electoral council and a senatorial candidate.

She's considered a leading women's advocate in the country.

New Ministers

Gabrielle Previlon Baudin, minister of social affairs.

Previously worked in the ministry.

Marie-Josee Garnier, minister of commerce.

A former chief of staff for Commerce Minister Fritz Kenol during the Gerard Latortue interim government.

She previously worked in the ministry of planning.

Joanas Gue, minister of agriculture.

Until his promotion, Gue, an agronomist, was Secretary of State for Agriculture.

Haiti's major agriculture efforts were his responsibility including biofuels and national production.

He also the coordinator of the USAID-funded Field Crops PADF/Hillside Agriculture Program, where he previously served as director.

Gerald Jean-Baptiste, minister of public works, transportation and communications.

He worked under former public works minister Frantz Varela and was responsible for water quality issues.

He also was an executive director during Preval's first presidency.

Olsen Jean-Julien, minister of culture.

Former chief of staff to Daniel Elie, the Preval ally and minister of culture who was dismissed in August 2007 by the chamber of deputies.

Joel Desrosiers Jean-Pierre, minister of national education.

A lawyer and member of Preval's Lespwa coalition, he's a former member of the Chamber of Deputies.

Dr. Alex Larsen, minister of health.

He's a member of Fusion and served as director of a government office protecting workers involved in work-related accidents.

He is close to Preval and is one of former Prime Minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis' physicians.

He is also close to Victor Benoit, the President of Fusion.

Dr. Charles Manigat, minister for Haitians living abroad.

A respected intellectual and dentist from Cap-Haitien, he earned his dental degree from New York University.

He also has a degree in economics.

Alrich Nicolas, minister of foreign affairs.

A Haitian diplomat stationed in Germany.

Until recently worked for U.N. Development program in Haiti

The topic is: Ou est le Ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports?
This is a reply to Msg 10786
Posted by Greg Peters on September 1 2008 at 9:04 PM

Messages in this topic

Il ne faut pas compter sur Haiti pour envoyer des athletes competent en 2012 en Angleterre. Une solution rapide c'est de parler avec la communaute Haitienne a Miami pour creer un camp d'entrainement pour les jeunes athletes Haitiens. Une suggestion > >
Greg Peters, 1-Sep-08 7:08 pm
Do you want to know who are the culprits? The people who are responsible for getting the country to move forward but are obviously not. First we will start with your famous minister of youth and sports; the current one and the old one. Then, you c > >
Greg Peters, 1-Sep-08 9:04 pm
"Quand j'etais jeune, j'aimais beaucoup le sport. Maintenant je suis conscient des difficultes que connaissent les jeunes dans la pratique du sport. L'objectif d'un projet sportif pour Haiti c'est de offrir aux jeunes la possibilite de participer a > >
Greg Peters, 1-Sep-08 9:39 pm
Hi Greg Je connais quelqu'un - un passionne omnisport - qui pourrait donner un coup de main sur ce dossier;mais il vit a Connectucut.Email me if you want more informations... Kalalou > >
Kalalou, 2-Sep-08 12:56 am
Thank you very much for informing me that much; you are a source of informations. Thanks God for you. Now, I know his name and each one of them. These Leaders are working for their own interests; Haiti is not even part of their actual issues. A bu > >
Robert M. St Fleur, 6-Sep-08 4:36 pm
Merci Greg une fois de plus ne sachant que Haiti avait deux medailles dans son histoire. Je le dis et je le redis mille fois encore, Haiti n'a pas un probleme d'argent. Haiti souffre de preference d'un probleme de dirigeants; nos dirigeants ne respi > >
Robert M. St Fleur, 6-Sep-08 4:51 pm