Tiba you are absolutely right

Ti Rouge says...

Tiba, I agree with you not because I like you, but I agree with you because you are telling the truth about the realtionship that exists between Preval and his master at the US embassy in Haiti.

Pure and simple, it is a Master-slave relationship.

This is a reply to Msg 10691
Posted by Ti Rouge on August 27 2008 at 12:05 PM

Messages in this topic

You are really frustrated! But don't let yours frustration take over your ability to reason! We are all frustrated! I am saddened to see food rotting in the ports, while most people are reportedly using mud to make cookies! (is it really true?). But > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 27-Jul-08 1:56 am
who ever wrote this need to think again > >
Taciena, 26-Aug-08 10:24 pm
Raymond, You said, "USA SHOULD TAKE OVER HAITIAN GOVERNMENT." Are you kidding me? If my memory doesn't fail me, last time I checked, US had taken over the Haitian government and that's why things are so bad in Haiti. Go to the US embassy i > >
Tiba, 27-Aug-08 6:21 am
Tiba, I agree with you not because I like you, but I agree with you because you are telling the truth about the realtionship that exists between Preval and his master at the US embassy in Haiti. Pure and simple, it is a Master-slave relationship. > >
Ti Rouge, 27-Aug-08 12:05 pm
OK, now that we all agree that the incompetent, sorry excuse for a president, and even sorrier excuse for a human being named Preval has to go; what do we do about it? > >
Linda, 27-Aug-08 3:51 pm
Ti Rouge C'mon! word on the streets claim that you like me a lot and you are now denying it! lol I like you too, man. > >
Tiba, 27-Aug-08 7:20 pm