a good leader to some

Mark says...

I agree with you my friend the subject of Aristide is too controversial, it's in the past we should leave it there.

I admit your comments are always very intelligent and insightful.

Many of the things you say are true, in regards to Haiti's relationship with foreign powers.

The relationship is exploitive.

However I believe that we are also responsible for where we are and at some point we must take charge of our destiny and stop the blaming game. Where I disagree is when you say many of us accuse Aristide of being a bad president unjustly.

You talked about some of the great things he did while president.

I admit you mentioned some things i didn't know myself.

But then you said we never step back to question anything we hear and you also said we don't like to admit we're wrong.

That is not true for all us. I'm asking you to do the same, step back a little and ask yourself why is it so hard for you to believe that Aristide could have persecuted some Haitians.

Is he not a man who's capable of wrongdoings?

I heard him demonizing the elite, the ones with money, the mulattoes.

Many of his speeches about race relations in Haiti really worsened the matter.

Instead of providing a solution to the wealthy and Mulattoes issues he used it to his advantage.

He encouraged the mass population to despise the wealthy class He wanted to show some of the mass population he was on their side by making these comments.

He should have been on the side of all of us, not just a group.

He was a great leader to some; to those who did not share his views.

Well he dealt with them very harshly.

We needed a good leader for the entire country.

Many of the things he did was to help himself stay in power.

Being that you're a reasonable man follow your own advice ask yourself is it impossible that Aristide could have persecuted some of the population?

There are Iraqis protesting the excecution of Saddam because he treated them well while the Kurds and others he murdered by the thousands are rejoicing.

This is not to provoke you I just want you to realize that what a man is to you he's not the same to another.

We both might be right on our account.

This is a reply to Msg 1035
Posted by Mark on January 1 2007 at 11:59 PM

Messages in this topic

I agree with you my friend the subject of Aristide is too controversial,it's in the past we should leave it there. I admit your comments are always very intelligent and insightful. Many of the things you say are true, in regards to Haiti's relationsh > >
Mark, 1-Jan-07 11:59 pm
I think your points are well taken and understood. However, I do not think that you can find a man who will be like by both sides, even Jesus was not that lucky. If you make a statement about collecting taxes in Haiti, believe me the economic forces > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 2-Jan-07 9:39 am
Heros, I didn't see any since Charlemagne Peralt,so let's not misuse the words. Francois, Selondieu et Mark it's time to look forward not in the pass. Right now we have, like a flag carrier of the democratic movment in power. Our duty, if we love ou > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 2-Jan-07 12:24 pm
Mr. Selondieu I must apologize to you. Some of my past comments were purely aimed at provoking you. It was not the thing to do. It seemed you had refused to accept the fact that not all Haitians experience the same treatment under Aristide. It's ok t > >
Mark, 2-Jan-07 1:33 pm
I Humbly accept, and I must apologize as well. I think that through serious exchanges we can actually find out what is destroying the country and save it for good. Do we all accept that whether we like an elected official or not that everyone working > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 2-Jan-07 8:13 pm
Mr. Mark, thanks for the compliments and I also have to admit that your comments are always very rational and well written. I want to congratulate you on that. However, throughout my comments, I was always careful not to ever suggest that Aristide > >
Francois E, 2-Jan-07 10:11 pm
Mr. Mark, I also want to add that if I was in Haiti at the time Aristide was making the speeches that you claimed he was making about race and class relationships, I would have strongly condemn them. But as for political crimes, like when you claim > >
Francois E, 3-Jan-07 6:20 am