The real problem is that "little red" or TI-ROUGE is utilizing...

Mario Mothersil says...

The real problem is that "little red" or TI-ROUGE is utilizing this blog to find and court men who he thinks maybe homosexuals.

He created and controls this blog just for this purpose only. Not being a real man himself, Ti Rouge becomes obscessed by reading from male writers he thinks may be converted into fagottry.

This is also why he tries to discourage all of the women who respond in this blog, by mimicking their user ID. To all who respond, take my advice, if your sexual orientation leans towards homosexuality, more power to you. To all other who are from the old school of heterosexuality as I am, BE WISE. This man is a stalker and a sexual deviant.

The topic is: Haitians the most incompetent and mediocre people
This is a reply to Msg 9971
Posted by Mario Mothersil on August 7 2008 at 2:53 PM

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Because of TiRouge, Mario Mothersil stopped posting hate messages on this blog sphere. > >
Ti Rouge, 22-Jul-08 12:01 pm
mothersilm - M109R - 1985 300D 420000 miles - Marceau Jn Noel Mothersil I am closing in on you; next I will post your photo. > >
Ti Rouge, 22-Jul-08 12:18 pm
My Friend, You can disgree with President Preval all you want, it is your right! but calling an entire nation incompetent and mediocre IS NOT RIGHT, it just shows a lack of knowledge of the country and this is coming from an Haitian that live in H > >
Claude, 4-Aug-08 11:16 am
Claude, Yes, I am Haitian natif natal, but NO I did not vote because I live in the state. You and I both know very well once you leave Haiti to live overseas you are stipped of all your rights as Haitian citizen. Regardless whether you are nat > >
Tiba, 4-Aug-08 5:21 pm
Hello Rosy or Little Red: I am very impressed. Keep digging. But bear in mind that I am not "El Faguito". I have more important things to do than to worry about your nonsensical BS. If you insist, your emails can be used to have you picked up for int > >
Mario Mothersil, 7-Aug-08 2:33 pm
The real problem is that "little red" or TI-ROUGE is utilizing this blog to find and court men who he thinks maybe homosexuals. He created and controls this blog just for this purpose only. Not being a real man himself, Ti Rouge becomes obscessed by > >
Mario Mothersil, 7-Aug-08 2:53 pm
"Chapo ba pou Zarien" I don't think I would have been able to put it so well for everyone to understand the importance of being respectful to each other on this blog. We need to be objective and not let our personal feelings be on the way. Haiti h > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 2-Apr-09 9:33 pm
Such a change can never take place if and when Haitians are so stubborn and uneducated about even their "Identity." Now that is an objective fact of observation that Haitians cannot engage in debates because they lack structures for or to have pro > >
Wilgeens Afrolatino Rosenberg, 3-Apr-09 4:30 pm
Wilgeens, I frankly believe that you have the answers to the question that you are raising regarding certain typical haitian mentalities. I also have a hard time comprehending this typical haitian behavior that is appearantly hunting us to the grave > >
Jean-esdrace Germain Charles, 3-Apr-09 11:08 pm
Tiba said, "A master's degree is all a person needs to be a high school teacher or a college professor." This time Tiba got his facts wrong. A person does not need to have a master's degree to teach HIGH SCHOOL, just a BA and a state teaching certifi > >
Linda, 4-Apr-09 10:30 pm
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