answer the simple question
Mark says...
Is this the best you can do?
Really challenging my capacity to understand english.
Well, you'll have to do a lot better than that. Did you write the first statement or did your child do it for you?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you forgot.
In which case I'll refresh your memory."whenever, wherever you or anyone referred to President Aristide, please add, historical/and or/ Charismatic leader in order to protect the legacy of someone who gave his life to defy globalism and imperialism both threats to sovereignty of a nation as Haiti".
Isn't that what you said word for word. Am I not one referring to your so called historic and charismatic leader?
I can tell you're not used to being challenged.
It msut kill you to have people challenge your false doctrine.
I suggest you get used to it. It's a new day, a new era. This is an era of logic, discernment and common sense.
Tim tim bwa seche doesn't cut it anymore.
I asked a question, I didn't ask to be showered with more propaganda.
Your brainwashing won't work on me. Stop avoiding the question and answer it. Does the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela cries aloud for attention?
Does the legacy of these men have any trouble staying alive unaided through time?
What you must know is that as time passes all evil deeds are exposed.
That's why the indoctrination process is fading.
Please, please, please, brother present something analytical and coherent.
Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela fought against government sponsored inequality and exploitation.
Yet their legacies are not threatened.
I don't care that you love Aristide, the KKK loves Adolf Hitler to them he was a great man.
The topic is: Let's divorce the past
This is a reply to Msg 1031
Posted by Mark on January 1 2007 at 2:24 PM