To be or not to be

Mark says...

What's the matter Mr. Jolibois?

It seems you're having trouble enforcing an illusion.

Stop begging us for validation and approval of your views, it's pathetic.

I know it's lonely in the land of hallucination.

Why are you threatened by those of us who with different views.

You're fighting a futile battle, I know you're restless.Tell me one thing, does the legacy of the great Martin Luther king Jr. or that of Mr. Nelson Mandela cries out for attention or approval?

No.The legacy of these historic, exemplary noblest men of the 20th century stand forever tall, unaided on its own. And do you know why my friend, it's because they were humble men unenvious of power, riches, or fame who fought a selfless battle to better the lives of others.

The topic is: Let's divorce the past
This is a reply to Msg 1023
Posted by Mark on January 1 2007 at 3:44 AM

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Mr. Trebu I read your comment, it is very insightful and really I appreciate it. Your statement is in a sense a finalization of my first comment. You are correct in saying that"if we forget or fail to learn from the past then we are subject to repeat > >
Philippe, 30-Dec-06 7:06 pm
You did better than I could expose my deception to the public. As far as I am concerned, someone called me a frustrated cab driver, I'd rather drive a cab my whole life than be an homosexual, a murderer, a threater to my own friends, my own country. > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 30-Dec-06 7:13 pm
You have made very interesting point talking about the importance of learning about the past to best shape the future. But I have to disagree with you when you apply that Aristide and the lavalas movement have failed the Haitian people. For example y > >
Francois, 31-Dec-06 2:29 pm
Hats off Francois, well done, now I can stay in peace and let you defend this cause that so many Haitians need to understand. Your points are succently explained and supported by facts not innuendos as many people is doing on this site, on the radios > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 31-Dec-06 4:01 pm
What's the matter Mr. Jolibois? It seems you're having trouble enforcing an illusion. Stop begging us for validation and approval of your views, it's pathetic. I know it's lonely in the land of hallucination. Why are you threatened by those of us who > >
Mark, 1-Jan-07 3:44 am
I do not what your name is and I could care less. If you understand simple english or any other language for that matter, the letter was not address to you. I wish you luck in biting the hands that feed you and give Haiti a face of Grandeur in the In > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 1-Jan-07 9:16 am
Is this the best you can do? Really challenging my capacity to understand english. Well, you'll have to do a lot better than that. Did you write the first statement or did your child do it for you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you > >
Mark, 1-Jan-07 2:24 pm
aristid wil never come back. aristid is a cancer. aristid is a setback. aristide is a sucker. Keep dreaming dreaming A truck will struck you in the mean time Hopefully not if you are not in Haiti Where it is absolutely hell, hell like hell ca > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 1-Jan-07 5:56 pm
Les observateurs avises n'arrivent pas juqu'a present a expliquer comment un leader supporte par une base populaire si forte ait pu echouer de facon si lamentable. Tout le monde s'attendait a un veritable changement qui allait bouleverser la soc > >
Trebu Patriote, 2-Jan-07 12:24 pm
Robert P. Toussaint says: Respect a true Hero Heros, I didn't see any since Charlemagne Peralt,so let's not misuse the words. Francois, Selondieu et Mark it's time to look forward not in the pass. Right now we have, like a flag carrier of > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 2-Jan-07 12:30 pm
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