all haitian should read this.also response to

Francois says...

You have made very interesting point talking about the importance of learning about the past to best shape the future.

But I have to disagree with you when you apply that Aristide and the lavalas movement have failed the Haitian people.

For example you said when Aristide became president; into his government he put people that were loyal to him. Was that a wrong thing to do?

Wouldn't you have done the same thing if you were president of Haiti?

Would you have put your enemies into your government?

One doesn't have to be an intellectual to understand that. It is just common sense.

You want into your government people that would work with you, not against you.

Second Under ``le culte de la personnalité`` you said ``notre prêtre président s`évertuera a construire des monuments et des places publiques a sa personne``
I want to ask you, was that a bad thing>?

Was it really a mistake to have constructed those public parks and monuments?

Is it true that those public park and monuments have no significance?

Ask your self those questions.

Isn't it true that those public parks have restored many Haitians proud in their country?

They give students a place to study.

They give the ordinary Haitian somewhere to go on weekends and spend a peaceful time. They give Haitians who live overseas something to show when someone ask them to see pictures of Haiti.

If you have been outside of Haiti, you should know that public park is essential in every community.

The monuments, they are a country's identity.

And from an economical point of view, monuments are what tourists visit the most when they come to a country.

I think we should build more of them. And isn't it safe to say by constructing those parks and monuments, the president have created jobs for many Haitians.

If someone wants to criticize Aristide, they should come up with something better.

We weren't wrong in believing Aristide had the heart and intelligence to move the country forward.

Of course we weren't wrong about that, that is why he was kicked out of office, because he wanted to do the right thing for the Haitian people.

We need to understand that. Under his administration, he has accomplished in a short period of time, things that were not accomplished in centuries.

Doing his time in power, 299 new schools were built, 195 new primary schools, 104 new public schools.

Some of those schools were constructed in area where there have never been school before.

Free books and uniforms were distributed to unprivileged students throughout the country.

Doing his time in power, we have developed better relationship with the Cubans as a result we have thousands of Cuban doctors serving in Haitian s hospitals with no cost. We have had more Haitian students study medicine in Cuba. More hospital than ever in our history has been built throughout the country.

Under his presidency, we have developed better relationship with Taiwan, as a result, almost all the Haitians police cars were provided by Taiwan.

They have donated to us school buses, police cars, construction truck and a bunch of other equipment.

They have rebuilt our international airport, our stadium.

And the list goes on and on. Doing his presidency, he had increased the minimum wage for ordinary workers, he had doubled it. Throughout the country, he had constructed low cost housings for thousands of poor Haitians.

He has reconstructed `` champs de mars, ti plas cazeau`` and the list goes on. Under his presidency, credit, tools, fertilizers, heavy equipment were delivered to thousands of farmers throughout the country.

To facilitate agriculture, irrigation system were been repaired.

More than 50 000 new trees were planted.



This is why Aristide is no longer in power.

Because the international community saw him as a threat to their interest.

Aristide was becoming independent of their influence and they couldn't let that happen.

Aristide was working toward making Haiti self-sufficient.

He went as far as to request the money that the French owes us, that is why they wanted to get rid of him so badly.

They wanted to get rid of him so badly that they went as far as to kidnap him. Open your eyes my dear brothers

You went as far as to say that Aristide was implicated in drug dealing, come on brother.

Were do you hear those from; those are rumours that was spread by the United States and its allies to destabilize the country.

Let`s think about it, who use drug in Haiti?

Haitians don't even have the money to eat 2 meals a day, and now they would get the money to buy thousands of dollars of drugs.

Those accusations don't make any sense.

How many Haitians do you know that use drugs?

Get some senses, we are talking about a substance that a small spoon is for $ 10 000 to $ 20 000 American dollars.

Come on, who in Haiti have that kind of money.

You also talk about democracy and how Aristide did not respect the other branches of government.

Come on brother, we should know better than this. Those other branches of government, whose interest were they protecting.

Was it the interest of the masses or the interest of the few, and foreign powers?

You have no idea how easy it is for foreign spy agencies to come to any politician In Haiti and request that the politician work for them for a few thousands of dollars and a visa to the U.S or Canada or France.

Think about it bro.

In Haiti, we need a strong president that will take tough decision and stick by them. We need a true leader, a visionary, a strategist.

We need a president that won't allow any corruption in its government.

And I believe that Aristide offered that to the Haitian people.

I think we all owe this great man an apology for all the bad things we have said about him. I hope everyone will have the gut to do just that.

The topic is: Let's divorce the past
This is a reply to Msg 1008
Posted by Francois on December 31 2006 at 2:29 PM

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Mr. Trebu I read your comment, it is very insightful and really I appreciate it. Your statement is in a sense a finalization of my first comment. You are correct in saying that"if we forget or fail to learn from the past then we are subject to repeat > >
Philippe, 30-Dec-06 7:06 pm
You did better than I could expose my deception to the public. As far as I am concerned, someone called me a frustrated cab driver, I'd rather drive a cab my whole life than be an homosexual, a murderer, a threater to my own friends, my own country. > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 30-Dec-06 7:13 pm
You have made very interesting point talking about the importance of learning about the past to best shape the future. But I have to disagree with you when you apply that Aristide and the lavalas movement have failed the Haitian people. For example y > >
Francois, 31-Dec-06 2:29 pm
Hats off Francois, well done, now I can stay in peace and let you defend this cause that so many Haitians need to understand. Your points are succently explained and supported by facts not innuendos as many people is doing on this site, on the radios > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 31-Dec-06 4:01 pm
What's the matter Mr. Jolibois? It seems you're having trouble enforcing an illusion. Stop begging us for validation and approval of your views, it's pathetic. I know it's lonely in the land of hallucination. Why are you threatened by those of us who > >
Mark, 1-Jan-07 3:44 am
I do not what your name is and I could care less. If you understand simple english or any other language for that matter, the letter was not address to you. I wish you luck in biting the hands that feed you and give Haiti a face of Grandeur in the In > >
Jolibois Selondieu, 1-Jan-07 9:16 am
Is this the best you can do? Really challenging my capacity to understand english. Well, you'll have to do a lot better than that. Did you write the first statement or did your child do it for you? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you > >
Mark, 1-Jan-07 2:24 pm
aristid wil never come back. aristid is a cancer. aristid is a setback. aristide is a sucker. Keep dreaming dreaming A truck will struck you in the mean time Hopefully not if you are not in Haiti Where it is absolutely hell, hell like hell ca > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 1-Jan-07 5:56 pm
Les observateurs avises n'arrivent pas juqu'a present a expliquer comment un leader supporte par une base populaire si forte ait pu echouer de facon si lamentable. Tout le monde s'attendait a un veritable changement qui allait bouleverser la soc > >
Trebu Patriote, 2-Jan-07 12:24 pm
Robert P. Toussaint says: Respect a true Hero Heros, I didn't see any since Charlemagne Peralt,so let's not misuse the words. Francois, Selondieu et Mark it's time to look forward not in the pass. Right now we have, like a flag carrier of > >
Robert P. Toussaint, 2-Jan-07 12:30 pm
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