Brother, anyone who has the feeling or who wants to have an...
Rev Dr Elie Valerius says...
Brother, anyone who has the feeling or who wants to have an affair with a person who has the phenotipic characteristic, that person is a deviant.god has created a mam for woman and vice versa.
My brother, you can change that order to satisfy your instinct.
If you are an homosexuel, you have two chances.Either, you'll die with colon cancer, VIH, STDS or you change your life style to marry a beautiful haitian woman, who knows how to take a man. You will save you life fromm a premature death.
''Massissi and Madivinez ''should be considered as crime.
They destroy God's order and try to convince persons with good moral values, with their corrupt goods.
Aba Satan, Aba homexuality, Aba kidnape, Aba madivinez...
VIV LE Dieu des Cieux.
Do not forget to read 1 Cor chapter 6 and the entire book of levitic...
As soon as you doe, send me your answer.
May le Lord bless you and heal your body.
The topic is: Lettre ouverte du chanteur Beethova Obas.
This is a reply to Msg 9697
Posted by Rev Dr Elie Valerius on July 26 2008 at 2:36 AM
Messages in this topic
During the first trimester of pregnancy woman who are in a violent household can be stressed and release hormones that can either masculinize an xx female fetus or feminize a male fetus. You can do your own research on the internet. Its a hormone ref
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Mireille, 21-Jul-08 12:48 pm
So then Homosexpert if that is the case, that would make it more of a birth defect and not a disease. Much like a woman drinking while pregnant which can cause retardation of a baby's brain in some cases is not a disease, but rather a birth recond
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Jolibwam Bwamjoli, 21-Jul-08 1:00 pm
Homosexuality is a disease and an epidemy which spread unlike a birth defect which is confined to the affected human been. Homosexuality is 100% curable, unlike a birth defect which may or may not be.
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Robertson, 21-Jul-08 3:35 pm
DOREMI, I can not answer all your questions. this question of homosexuality and morality is getting very nasty on this blogg. That shows how we Haitians are divided on this with the great majority opposing this lifestyle. - If I was sick and my lif
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Zarien Krab Spider, 22-Jul-08 3:34 am
Brother, anyone who has the feeling or who wants to have an affair with a person who has the phenotipic characteristic, that person is a deviant.god has created a mam for woman and vice versa. My brother, you can change that order to satisfy your ins
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Rev Dr Elie Valerius, 26-Jul-08 2:36 am
Doc, Would you agree that the greatest sin of all is "adultry", according to the bible? And the second greatest sin, according to the bible, is "remarry" if your ex is still alive? Rev. Dr. Elie, if you are currently on your second, third,
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Tiba, 26-Jul-08 9:59 am
Linda is a Lesbian Sympathizer Jul 21, 2008 11:50 AM "Linda, if you were in Haiti right now, I'll make you my sex slave...." HI LINDA, PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ABOVE INSULTING MESSAGE. IT IS AN ATTACK BY A VILLA
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Lavaud Desmoulins, 26-Jul-08 11:34 pm
Dr Rev Elie, Does Jesus have tolerance for all sinners? Is every sin a crime? As much as I disapprove homosexuality, I would not make it a crime. Many men behind the pulpit, I mean men who are called or chose to spread the gospel and be faithful se
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Zarien Krab, 27-Jul-08 1:33 am
Heureusement Leo vous avez compris ce que la commun des mortels ne peut pas comprendre.Est-ce pourquoi je ne me lasse pas de demander a celles et a ceux qui ont eu la chance d' une bonne education de partager avec d' autres moins chanceux ce preci
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Jean-marie, 2-Aug-08 10:10 am
Reaction au message de Leo Jitaly Mess.9793 date 7/17/08 A qui de droit, Je trouve assez positif le contenu de votre reponse a un blogueur denome CARIBENO dont l' exces de language a l' egard de B.Obas est evident.Cependant je ne vous pardonne
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Jean-marie Leroy, 3-Aug-08 4:38 am