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Haiti Senator Kelly Bastien Speaks
Haitian Senate President, Senator Kelly Bastien speaks to Radio Tele Guinen
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Rene Preval and Leonel Fernandez
Rene Preval and Hugo Chavez
President Rene Preval
President Rene Preval and Hillary Clinton
Rene Preval and Dominique de Villepin
Bill Clinton in Haiti Palais National
Rene Preval and Condoleezza Rice
Presidents Rene Preval, Raul Castro, Daniel Ortega, and Leonel Fernandez
Rene Preval and Fidel Castro
President Rene Preval
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Did Obama Diss Preval
Trinidad Obama Dissed Preval Nouvelle Tournure New Twist
Caribbean News From Caribworldnews
Discour Pres Preval Fete Drapeau Arcahaie
Discour President Rene Preval Aux Gonaives 1er Janvier 2009
Archives of
(sa se achiv)
Rene Preval
President Of Haiti
May 14, 2006 – May 14, 2011
Feb 7, 1996 – Feb 7, 2001
Haitians back home need to work like everybody
Robert C, If Haiti will never amount to anything in...
The order of things to come Volume II & Trojan horse
Whow!!! Is this all you guys can do, call each other...
Sebastian, I don't think you're in a position to talk...
Baby doc will not go to the innauguation for reason: le malade immaginaire
Hey low IQ before you start posting on the internet...
He and his entourage will need a percentage of that...
how the government in Haiti take the money matter not...
Martelly se gnou president pope toille ke Amerequin...
Inaugural Speech, French or Creole or Both?
Preval is a despicable scumbag, he has always been...
Excuse you! Pastors never held any presidency in...
Dirty cop,are you sure? you are not the boy that...
You are a perverted old macoute rat. I suggest that...
Mme,sispan pran "angel dust".
Hello every body toulimen is simply Martelly that was...
Nou pa nan met moun anba kod,nap sinpleman voye yon...
Alexandre Alibaba Executive under Micky Mouse
Hello! I am interested in finding more information on...
Rene Preval Sworn In As Haiti's New President, Jeb Bush
Woman Chosen As Haiti Prime Minister Nominee
Video of Secretary Clinton welcoming President Rene Preval to the State Departmentac
Did Obama Respect Preval Summit America 2009
Should Michele Pierre Louis B E Pm Of Haiti
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