Trebu Patriote - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Trebu Patriote
(Page 5 of 8)

Freedom of Speech

We have the right to keep an eye on the President and his Prime Minister. We have the right to voice critics when promises are not kept. We will applaud if the country was doing good under their administration. We also have the right to let them... more »


Raising funds for any project is a very sensitive activity. People will make sacrifices to contribute to a good cause. But we need to make sure the money goes exactly where it is supposed to go and spent for what it is earmarked. We do not want to... more »


The national soccer team has won the Cup of the Caribbean Nations and is qualified to play the Gold Cup (Concacaf) in the month of June in the U.S. The Haitian People is thankful and proud of those young soccer players who have shown a different... more »

This is a Judicial Matter

This matter being deferred to the judicial system, I think at this point everyone is supposed to have a wait and see attitude. We all know that there are three branches of power according to the constitution of 1987: the executive, the legislative... more »


I agree one hundred percent with you. This is a very interesting point. This situation is not new. During his first term as president, Preval was just traveling with no action plan, no objectives and no goals to start the development of our... more »

Jobs creation is 1

Inflation is an important factor in the Haitian Economy. But there are other problems that explain the situation we are facing in Haiti right now. The priority of priorities is to put people at work. We need to start thinking about economic... more »


Les observateurs avisés n'arrivent pas juqu'à présent à expliquer comment un leader supporté par une base populaire si forte ait pu échouer de façon si lamentable. Tout le monde s'attendait à un... more »


Les propos de Mr Philippe sont justes si divorcer avec le passé signifie adopter une nouvelle façon de conduire les affaires de l'Etat et de servir le peuple. Mais ils sont discutables si on veut nous faire oublier un passé... more »

Guy Phillipe et Andr Apaid sont des Patriotes

Guy Phillipe et André Apaid ont aidé le Peuple Haitien à se débarrasser du dictateur sanguinaire qui vit à l'heure actuelle en Afrique du Sud. Nous devons leur rendre hommage. Dieu seul sait ce qui se serait passé si... more »


Mr Jolibois, vos commentaires sont appréciés à leur juste valeur. Cependant certains points méritent éclaircissement, particulièrement quand vous faites référence aux responsables des kidnappings et de... more »

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