Stanley M - Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Stanley M
(Page 1 of 11)

Thanksgiving Message from Stanley Lucas

Thanksgiving Message from Stanley Lucas On this Thanksgiving Day, Americans will gather together with family to count... more »

SATE DEPARTMENT: Status of Haiti's Upcoming Elections

Status of Haiti's Upcoming Elections Kenneth H. Merten U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Mark C. Toner DirectorOffice of Press... more »

Les Haitiens en Haiti Disent Ne Pas Connaitre Baker

En Haiti, les Haitiens pensaient que Baker etait un blanc Americain. Selon les derniers sondages realises en Haiti... more »

Haiti Six Mois Apres: Quid des 9.9 milliards? par Stanley Lucas

Haiti Six Mois Apres: Quid des 9.9 milliards de la communaute internationale? des 1.1 Milliards de donations privees... more »

First, you don't need to use fake names here Aristide (Tiba...

First, you don't need to use fake names here Aristide (Tiba, Tirelina, Vigilance). We all know this is you airing your... more »

First, China is a developing country - that's how the US...

First, China is a developing country - that's how the US recognizes it and how they want to be recognized. It's not... more »

Thank you for your comments. I'm in agreement about your...

Thank you for your comments. I'm in agreement about your assessment of American aid. They, of course, are defending... more »

Thank you for your message. I fully agree that we have a lot to...

Thank you for your message. I fully agree that we have a lot to learn from other countries. And, my example of China... more »

Interim Reconstruction:Strengthening or Undermining Haiti? by Stanley Lucas

Haiti Interim Reconstruction Commission: Strengthening or Undermining Haiti? by Stanley Lucas While the... more »


DISTRICT 17 ELECTIONS: POLL RESULTS QUESTION: Which Haitian-American candidate would have the best chance to win the... more »

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