Stanley Lucas - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Stanley Lucas
(Page 1 of 11)

Thanksgiving Message from Stanley Lucas

Thanksgiving Message from Stanley Lucas On this Thanksgiving Day, Americans will gather together with family to count their blessings and say their thanks. It is a time of reflection, prayer and gratitude. For Haitians, this has been an... more »

SATE DEPARTMENT: Status of Haiti's Upcoming Elections

Status of Haiti's Upcoming Elections Kenneth H. Merten U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Mark C. Toner DirectorOffice of Press Relations Via Digital Videoconference Washington, DC November 23, 2010 MR. TONER: Good afternoon and welcome, Embassy Haiti... more »

Haiti Six Mois Apres: Quid des 9.9 milliards? par Stanley Lucas

Haiti Six Mois Apres: Quid des 9.9 milliards de la communaute internationale? des 1.1 Milliards de donations privees des citoyens americains? par Stanley Lucas Apres six mois les donations individuelles des citoyens americains... more »

First, you don't need to use fake names here Aristide (Tiba...

First, you don't need to use fake names here Aristide (Tiba, Tirelina, Vigilance). We all know this is you airing your problem with Preval -- did he cut off your gravy train? Second, you received a report in october 7, 2002 stating with 100... more »

First, China is a developing country - that's how the US...

First, China is a developing country - that's how the US recognizes it and how they want to be recognized. It's not Beijing and Shanghai -- there's 800 million peasants of the 1.3 billion. They are rapidly developing though for sure. Second, you... more »

Thank you for your comments. I'm in agreement about your...

Thank you for your comments. I'm in agreement about your assessment of American aid. They, of course, are defending their interests. This is only natural. But around the world, other countries would defend their interests. We as Haitians need to... more »

Thank you for your message. I fully agree that we have a lot to...

Thank you for your message. I fully agree that we have a lot to learn from other countries. And, my example of China is not far off the mark. They are a developing country and a sovereign country. They have done many things better than Haiti and... more »

Interim Reconstruction:Strengthening or Undermining Haiti? by Stanley Lucas

Haiti Interim Reconstruction Commission: Strengthening or Undermining Haiti? by Stanley Lucas While the international community and President Preval are moving ahead with Haiti's Interim Reconstruction Commission (HIRC), the Emergency... more »


DISTRICT 17 ELECTIONS: POLL RESULTS QUESTION: Which Haitian-American candidate would have the best chance to win the Florida Congressional seat: Marleine Bastien? Philipp Brutus? Rudolph Moise? Yolly Roberson? RESULTS: Marleine Bastien: 6% Philipp... more »

Haiti Nouveau Sondage: Rene Preval doit-il partir ou rester?

Le president Rene Preval devrait-il: Demissionner immediatement? Laisser le pouvoir le 7 Fevrier? Rester jusqu'aux prochaines elections? Pour voter cliquez ici: Distribuez l'information a vos amis more »

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