Samuel - Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Samuel

My friend you need to read your history. Unless you are a...

My friend you need to read your history. Unless you are a spanish (100%) and you know what I mean by spanish (from the... more »

Preval is a fool and a booki at the same time. Not every...

Preval is a fool and a booki at the same time. Not every Haitian is like that fool. We do not need any aid from... more »

Les Professions en Haiti Going back to get killed?

Are you kidding man? Most of the "brains" who left in the 60's were ran out of their country by that maniac Duvalier... more »

Que honte pour le pays!

Mr le President, Je pense que Monsieur Francois doit etre renvoye du Tribunal.C'est une honte de voir qu'un huissier... more »

Imbecile et idiot a la fois

Hey'why don't you go to school.M..a bunch of mistakes. vous ne pouvez meme pas ecrire (pays) (voyager) je crois que... more »

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