Rubens F Titus - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Rubens F Titus
(Page 7 of 13)

Ti Maurice. Le probleme fondamental pour tous les Haitiens...

Ti Maurice. Le probleme fondamental pour tous les Haitiens nationalistes vivant en terre etrangere n'est pas ce la Constitution prescrit mais plutot que la Constitution est une honte pour Haiti. C'est une constitution contradictoire : l'article 15... more »

Lione - Thanks for the advice but I am not worried about tax...

Lione - Thanks for the advice but I am not worried about tax laws in other countries but the USofA and Haiti. I aint talking about government programs. Why do most Haitians think government is the only way out? Haitian government aint got no magic... more »

Mr. Dantilus, if your vision includes waiting for the current...

Mr. Dantilus, if your vision includes waiting for the current Haitain government to wake up one day and start cutting expenses, you will have to wait for a long time. What is suggested is that all Haitians bent on participating in the... more »

Hello Frederic, donne nous un peu plus de details. Est ce ces...

Hello Frederic, donne nous un peu plus de details. Est ce ces terres sont vides de paysans ou quoi? more »

Hi Lionne, you started this essay pretty well then you diverted...

Hi Lionne, you started this essay pretty well then you diverted to tax evasion methods. We all feel bad for the bourgeois of Haiti. However, Boisrond Canal warned them over 150 years ago that they need to engage in the economic progress of Haiti by... more »

Le mal n'est pas infini. Analyzer le potentiel haitien et...

Le mal n'est pas infini. Analyzer le potentiel haitien et revisiter l'histoire d'Haiti. Nancy Roc jouit certainement d'une reputation de penseur politique cependant elle a identifie les maux fondamentaux de notre chere Haiti mais elle a failli de... more »

Zandolit, I have a good hope since there many Haitians who see...

Zandolit, I have a good hope since there many Haitians who see eye to eye on what has happened to mother Haiti in the past 200 years or so. Since Mother Haiti was under diplomatic embargo since 1806 (this is well documented by the way), Henry... more »

Toto, this is not about only resentment, this is also about...

Toto, this is not about only resentment, this is also about historical facts. They suffocate the baby haiti from birth therefore irreparable brain damage regardless of the amount of care and love given to baby haiti by his parents/leaders. Mother... more »

I will continue blaming the foreign powers (international...

I will continue blaming the foreign powers (international country? say what?) for isolating, embargoing, stigmatizing, and suffocating for over 200 years this freedom fighting proud first black nation our ancestors call Haiti - land of high... more »

Carmel, Double nationality does not exist. You can only be born...

Carmel, Double nationality does not exist. You can only be born in one country or the other. You are talking about dual citizenship. If you are born abroad of at least one natural-born Haitian parent who himself/herself never renounced to his/her... more »

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