Marjory Middy - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Marjory Middy

Yes, I am very much aware of the Santo Domingo situation. I...

Yes, I am very much aware of the Santo Domingo situation. I made references to it many times but nobody picked up on it up until now. Are you also aware that Dr. Francois Duvalier was selling Haitians by the thousands at $1.00 per head according to... more »

I beg to differ: Class, race and sometimes gender are tightly...

I beg to differ: Class, race and sometimes gender are tightly link together. Socioeconomic stratification is another term for "class". Religion, class, race and on a softer tone gender have been used throughout the world to divide and conquer... more »

Look Nadege, Your sympathy towards the poor is so endearing. I...

Look Nadege, Your sympathy towards the poor is so endearing. I do hope you understand that the word "coons" means "black trailer trash". Your ignorance is showing more with each time you post something. You have no compassion toward the poor, and... more »

Il est vrai que l'elite Haitienne n'a pas su assumer sa tache...

Il est vrai que l'elite Haitienne n'a pas su assumer sa tache envers la masse haitienne. Tout a une fin; Avec Charles Henri Baker l'elite haitienne saura bien assumer sa tache envers les pauvres... Mr. Baker connait l'elite tres bien et il parle... more »

Manze Manigat elle-meme fait parti de ces elites. Si je...

Manze Manigat elle-meme fait parti de ces elites. Si je comprends bien, elle aussi fait parti de ses "malpropres" et ne pourra jamais aimer la masse Haitienne, N'est ce pas? Demandez a la dame Manigat ce que'elle peut faire pour Haiti. Allons droit... more »

If loving Haiti and Charles Henry Baker is WRONG, DAMN IT, I do...

If loving Haiti and Charles Henry Baker is WRONG, DAMN IT, I do NOT want to be Right!! Baker is the impersonation of what Haiti represents or should represents: Integrity, value, intelligence, sincerity and love. Yes, love. Baker can bring all of... more »

I love Baker for what I think he can do. Above all, I love...

I love Baker for what I think he can do. Above all, I love Haiti. Baker is the person who can make it happen in Haiti. I want to come home and Baker is my ONLY choice to help me. I want to see a Haiti prosper and lushly green and again, Baker can... more »

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