Jojo - Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Jojo
(Page 6 of 8)

Haitians or dominicans i have a question. does ha

Brother! it is not a problem of being Dominican or Haitian,mulatos, white or black,the problem is a question of... more »

tandé tandé mezanmi si vous comprenez l'espagnol

read yhis article if you kan understand spanish : Il dit ici Haiti est le principal probleme de la republique... more »

Haiti will change even 50 years after

Quand vous pensez à, vous pouvez croire qu'Haiti, un jour, changera, ça ne apeut etre... more »

haiti mauvaise nouvelles bad niews noticias

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP).-The Department of the North American State prohibited the officials of his government to... more »

le projet d'unification de Hispanolanoyosoy

nice idea, nice project for both nations, but unfortunately I'm not sure you understand what the Domonican poeple say... more »

Force armée d'Haiti= force des damnés

80%c des causes de la situation calamiteuse de pays sont inputable à la force armée d'Haiti, pardon! force... more »

A Hispanolanoyosoy about violence as culture

A vous Hispanolanoyosoy,to you Hispanolanoyosoy:a usted Hispanolanoyosoy: Je peux repondre, I kan answer, yo puedo... more »

Haiti and his economy

to make to advance economy of Haiti, it is necessary to achieve to reduce the cases of kibnaping to, at least, 95%c at... more »

la economia de Haiti

para hacer avanzar economie de Haiti, hay que lograr reducir los casos de kibnaping a, por lo menos, 95%c al mes por... more »

l'économie d'Haiti

pour faire avancer l'economie d'Haiti,il faut arriver diminuer les cas de kibnaping à, au moins, 95%c par mois... more »

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