Brian Sitterley - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti
Topic and comments posted by Brian Sitterley
(Page 1 of 2)
Dear Toulimen, I also have had a real estate broker's license...
February 27, 2011 12:03 AM
Dear Toulimen, I also have had a real estate broker's license. I did not comment on Haiti's land ownership laws but do know those here. Government has some control over the legal use of land, but it's control is limited by state and federal... more »
I think our friend who used commend did not in fact mean...
February 26, 2011 7:17 PM
I think our friend who used commend did not in fact mean command. Commend seems more right in the context than command. English is not the first language of Haitians. When I am in Spanish speaking countries everybody is patient with the fact that... more »
Toulimen knows the real estate laws of Haiti I am sure, but in...
February 26, 2011 6:59 PM
Toulimen knows the real estate laws of Haiti I am sure, but in the United States the govenment does NOT own all the land. If you own a houselot or a field you own it. It is yours. You can do any lawful thing on it, sell it, lease it, keep it... more »
Tragically bestial men rape infants all over the world all too...
February 26, 2011 5:31 PM
Tragically bestial men rape infants all over the world all too frequently. In Peru recently a 22 year old farm laborer raped and seriously injured his 9 month-old daughter. Per the websites for El Comercio and Radio Programas del Peru he has... more »
Marge, Your father gave a great lesson for us all! I think you...
February 16, 2011 9:55 PM
Marge, Your father gave a great lesson for us all! I think you are wrong about immigrants from Latin America not learing English. Most do. It is harder for the first generation. As with every previous immigrant generation, some learn English better... more »
What I saw of career military when I was in the US navy, I...
February 16, 2011 8:32 PM
What I saw of career military when I was in the US navy, I don't think they need to run the US or Haiti either one. US presidents don't seem to run the USA all that well; Haiti has not benefitted much from Bill Clinton's attention. Foriegn... more »
You Haitians have a better idea than I how prevalent this vice...
January 28, 2011 11:13 AM
You Haitians have a better idea than I how prevalent this vice is in your counry, but please don't sell out your children to it like so many Europeans and North Americans have done. I think Toulimen is in error that this perversion comes from... more »
This not right! It is true that God hates homosexuality, and it...
January 27, 2011 11:19 PM
This not right! It is true that God hates homosexuality, and it is an abomination to Him. It leads to grave harm to the human personality, drug and alcohol addiction, smoking, suicide, and high crime rates. It means going from one gay lover to... more »
Beloved brother Gauthier, YES! Haiti needs Jesus above all, and...
January 27, 2011 10:53 PM
Beloved brother Gauthier, YES! Haiti needs Jesus above all, and so many have turned to Him. Our friend Pastor Ronald LaFranc has many many new believers in Lumiere et Paix Misions. I saw so many thousands meeting Feb. 12-14 in front of the palace... more »
Actually Jimmy Whimsey is not anything like Tea Party, who are...
January 22, 2011 11:08 PM
Actually Jimmy Whimsey is not anything like Tea Party, who are more than a bit naive and irresponsible to the USA, but who mean well. Jimmy is more like the Nazis on a website called Stormfront, where you can read racist rants by ignoramouses who... more »
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