Bernadete S - Discover what Haitians talked about when Rene Preval was President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Bernadete S
(Page 2 of 5)

I am somewhat taken aback by all this energy devoted to ethnic...

I am somewhat taken aback by all this energy devoted to ethnic disparity and racism in Haiti. Frankly speaking Haiti... more »


The international donors have pledged $10 billion for the reconstruction of Haiti.RFK -The Center for Human Rights... more »

Vous avez de tres bonne idees. J'espere qu'un jour vous sauriez...

Vous avez de tres bonne idees. J'espere qu'un jour vous sauriez les mettre en pratique. Je vous souhaite de tres bonne... more »

Mais c'est justement la question: ils ont leur place en Haiti...

Mais c'est justement la question: ils ont leur place en Haiti. Ce sont a eux de choisir. "Blancophile" ou non.ce sont... more »

Someday when we can accept people for who they are from...

Someday when we can accept people for who they are from whatever social class and religious background they happened... more »

You are right, President Obama is setting a good example and is...

You are right, President Obama is setting a good example and is encouraging the public to fill out the census form as... more »


The imbalance of power, throughout history has been tackled on many different levels. The hero of them all has been... more »

Since you are so good at playing detective, why don't you come...

Since you are so good at playing detective, why don't you come up with a comprehensive list of ALL the donations... more »

I can say that Fidel's best accomplishment is education Housing...

I can say that Fidel's best accomplishment is education Housing is an issue - Old houses without proper modernization... more »

Un president Mulatre ne derangerait vraiment a personne. Est ce...

Un president Mulatre ne derangerait vraiment a personne. Est ce que vous croyez sincerement qu'un Mulatre au pouvroir... more »

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