Ayisyen Patriyot - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ayisyen Patriyot
(Page 6 of 12)


mwen te toujou kwe preval te ka fe kek choz. jiska prezan map rele kote ti rene premye minis mwen an men li sanble aleksi pran le kontwol le se pa aristid. Kote preval. Nowhere- yon pil kaka more »

Mr Preval needs to speak more often

Misye preval mete gason sou ou. Se pa chita vale tafya. Pale a pep la, a moun lan dyaspora yo, di yo sa ou vle fe, e mande yo kouman yo ka ede. Fe 5 an epi wale se pa tout. Sa bon pou yon demokrasi men se pa tout. Ouve fey bek ou pale a pep ou... more »

Take it easy

I don't know why people cannot be at peace with each other. I don't know why some people choose to be nasty when there is so much at stake. Using the bad words in the wrong context is not so funny. I wish the owner(s) or the technician(s) of this... more »

Let's focus on Haiti please

I have noticed that people have fallen into nonsense. Haiti is screaming for help. This is no joke. People are dying in our country. NO CURSE. No self-serving, annoying, vicious, and bragging speech please. Let's see what we can do for Haiti. It... more »

Let's focus on Haiti please

I have noticed that people have fallen into nonsense. Haiti is screaming for help. NO JOKE. NO CURSE. No self-serving, annoying, vicious, and bragging speech please. Let's see what we can do for Haiti. I can start at a local level from Here, in the... more »

Let's get together:the dead and the living

The dead and the living dialogue Agwo: What's happening? Long time we haven't seen one another. You gave up on me just like that. I thought we were friends in Haiti. Boss S I thought we were too. Remember I went to see you twice when you came over... more »

Hommage a Maitre Lamartine Clairmont

Ancien membre du groupe des sages. Professeur de sciences sociales et de volley ball pendant 45 ans. Membre actif du conseil des avocats. Haitien patriote et devoue. Mes condoleances a sa famille. Va en paix maitre Monmon! Tu etais l'un de mes... more »

Ba yo magic

Good piece magic. Oublions l'armee. Pensons pays. Oui c'est possible; nous pouvons redresser la situation avec un peu de pragmatisme, de discipline, et surtout de patriotism. more »

Monsieur le Comissaire u're right

Si les rues sont sales, l'insecurite predomine, le president tout a fait muet depuis son investiture, et les aides promises non honorees, qu'y pouvons-nous? - Seulement compter sur nos propres moyens; seulement esperer que le gouvernement aura... more »

C'est un probleme complexe

Labadie est une entite territoriale d'une compagnie multinational de crosieres de toute facon. Si on met des musiciens sales la-bas, c'est pour mieux nous minimiser comme la premiere Republique noire independante du monde. Cette compagnie qui... more »

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