Ayisyen Patriyot - Rene Preval, Ex President of Haiti

Topic and comments posted by Ayisyen Patriyot
(Page 4 of 12)

aristid messed it up

We had such a big hope with his election to the presidency. He started acting like a mentally incapable. A.-He came with a cat on TV, caressing it, promising to hunt the same cats B.- You remember what happened on the 5th of December 1990 at one of... more »

I am a nobody. u don't know me

Please Jolibois or whomever u r, do not try to use the same strategy. Who am I? _ a stupid business owner who is losing money every day and I have to drive a taxi to cope with my bills. It is true that I have an MBA from a good university but no... more »

Aristide is nothing but a smart slot and thief

No one but an idiot can tell me that aristide ever had a point. He did in my mind when I was young. Many more mature people than I was like former Colonel Mathieu warned me (m'lonmen non-l m-pa detounen-l), I used to talk to Charlito (CHarles Henri... more »

Well said trebu

Well said Trebu but I think you're a little bit too tough on Preval and the Lavalassians. I was one of them though no one knew me. I never participated in the meetings because I feared there might be spies everywhere, but I went to the church and I... more »

Le vaudou n'y a rien a voir corrige

Ce type, comme tous les protestants, blame le vaudou comme etant la cause de la misere du peuple. Non. Non, le vaudou n'est qu'une arme politique aux mains des sanguinaires pour asservir le peuple. Il faut reconnaitre que quelques malfaiteurs du... more »

Le vaudou n'y a rien a voir

Ce type, comme tous les protestants, blame le vaudou comme etant la cause de la misere du peuple. Non, le vaudou est une arme politique. Le vaudou est une facon de vivre dans le respect face aux etres vivants et a la nature. Avant la chretiente, il... more »

Beau message mon ami

Il est temps qu'il reagisse mais il n'a plus de "graines" comme en 1991. Il est fini. Il est malade, empoisonne ou pas. Il a ete zombifie bien qu'a l'interieur de lui- meme je crois qu'il est toujours le meme, le patriote desinteresse, exploite... more »

Well said mister ayisyen

A police that is adequate and capable, and matches the need of the population; NO ARMY; Then a program to prevent the youth from joining the bad guys. One more thing: we cannot blame it all on Alexis but these fake politicians have always used... more »

Aleksi se yon blofe

Every body knows him. I interviewed him when I worked as a salesman for a bookstore. He was the director of a stupid high school on Bwo-vena-Boudon.; Then by some magic, he founded a so-called university KISKEYA. The man is not bright, not real, a... more »

LAction est necessaire

Je suis tout a fait d'accord. Le peuple va se soulever. Le gouvernement doit faire quelque chose. Alexis ne peut pas etre president s'il n'est pas un bon premier ministre. Il ne l'a jamais ete d'ailleurs. Preval only was a good prime minister in... more »

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