Linda, Haitian governments (past & present) do hear the plight...

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Reply to Msg 9967


Haitian governments (past & present) do hear the plight of Haitian people every day whether on the radion, or on the streets protesting, or in our music, or in person, etc...

the true of the matter is the Haitian government just doesn't give a sh8t about what the people have to say, to think and to feel. Haitian opinions about their country never played a role of importance.

Whenever the government needs to know what to do, it goes to the master, the white man for advice and approvals.

The government of Haiti holds more daily meetings than the pope and George Bush put together, and every single one happens to be with the master, the white man. None of these meetings ever amount to anything.

When was the last time you saw Preval meeting with Haitian citizens to discuss and talk about the state of their country?

Never! because according to the government, Haitians have no relevency about their country's internal affairs.

And selfishness is not the reason why the government doesn't accomplish anything in Haiti, but rather because of the government's incompetence, mediocrity, and the government's malicious intent not to do anything period.

All of these people who are in the government are brain dead without the "know how" (le savoir faire).

Tiba, July 22 2008, 10:31 PM


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Linda, Haitian governments (past & present) do hear the plight of Haitian people every day whether on the radion, or... read more >
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