Say No to Dual Citizenship

Robertson says...

Keep sending money to Haiti and Say No to Dual Citizenship

The topic is: Let's talk about Double Nationalite
This is a reply to Msg 9721
Posted by Robertson on July 16 2008 at 9:58 AM

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Hi Doremi, Ti Rouge is also Will Rosemberg. He is mad because I told him that he is bipolar because one minute he is talking like a reasonable person and the next minute he is cursing and ranting. These days he curses and rants under various other na > >
Linda, 14-Jul-08 8:22 am
Hi Linda, Rosenberg can be off a little, I do not agree with everything he says. That is understandable. But For sure he is not Ti Rouge, a guy with multiple personalities who recently created a lot of distraction from real issues. You know, we need > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 14-Jul-08 10:37 am
Hi Zarien. You're right, I've been really busy and I have not blogged enough, so it is possible that Rosenbern is not Ti Rouge. Either way it's really not important who these people are. I'm only interested in people who can discuss things, and agree > >
Linda, 15-Jul-08 1:51 pm
Let's discuss how the Diaspora can truly change things in Haiti. We have a lot of power; our dollars. Let's use that power to force the Haitian government to listen to us. See my last posting on this to Zarien. > >
Linda, 15-Jul-08 6:24 pm
Linda, this is a topic that needs a lot of attention. To convince the Government and our legislators about double nationality we must take a few steps to make our case. I think the first step is for the Diaspora to be organized and united on this iss > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 16-Jul-08 1:06 am
Mr Zarien, I am glad to see that you are addressing a topic that have been discussed a while ago. Your ideas, although not new, are right on the money.We are not going to get anything done in Haiti, until we put pressure on the government. Unfortuna > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 16-Jul-08 9:29 am
Keep sending money to Haiti and Say No to Dual Citizenship > >
Robertson, 16-Jul-08 9:58 am
Dear Max, I really appreciate your intervention and your logic is right on target. I do realize that the root of the problem is our phantom government who does everything under the command of their" master". Our leaders are very deaf to our cry, howe > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 16-Jul-08 3:41 pm
Sure okay, Funny and typically as a Haitian, what you consider to be an open mind is an agreeable mind with your belief and not one which opposes your claim or call for dual citizenry in Haiti's political arena. There are many way to help Haiti w > >
Will Rosenberg, 16-Jul-08 4:11 pm
Rosenberg, I, in any way shape or form want anyone to "submit to my idea. Because I ask someone to come to the table with an open mind does not support your accusation against me. I respect your opinion. However, we mus agree to disagree. you talking > >
Zarien Krab Spider, 16-Jul-08 5:44 pm
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