See my reply in "L'elite doit reprendre le pouvoir" since both...
Brent Reyes says...
See my reply in "L'elite doit reprendre le pouvoir" since both were initiated by the same idiot.
Brent Reyes
The topic is: liste de nos chefs d'Haïti
This is a reply to Msg 8778
Posted by Brent Reyes on May 23 2008 at 8:49 AM
Messages in this topic
What difference does it make who is what, when or where. It's not going to help the future of Haiti. We need people who are capable of running the government like a successful business. Charles Henri Baker is a successful industrialist with a genuin > >
Phillip, 22-May-08 4:10 pm
Yes, it absolutely matters. It matters to me and I believe it matters to the 80% living in abject poverty how a nation went from France's richest colony to the hemisphere's most impoverished nation in less than a century after independence. It's not > >
Rubens F. Titus, 23-May-08 1:02 am
See my reply in "L'elite doit reprendre le pouvoir" since both were initiated by the same idiot. Brent Reyes > >
Brent Reyes, 23-May-08 8:49 am