political election report live from costombar dr.

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By Wilgeens Rosenberg.


PUERTO PLATA - Ironically funny, most people whom I have spoken with here in Costombar do not like Leonel Fernandez much. Here in the Dominican Republic itself there is this sense of Anti-Leonelism yet how is he ahead in the polls is beyond me. How does it work and how is that so when a lot of people do not favor him, you may be asking yourself?

Well, the Triple P's actually does have much to do with that. What are the TRIPLE P's?


The actual explanation for that is pretty much literal in definition and context of each respective words themselves.

Poverty: Because the conditions over there place most citizens to strive hard for every pesos they earn to survive, rumors has it that Fernandez has been paying many people to actually raise his purple flag and even when most people do not favor him, they do not mind getting and sucking every pesos they can get from him. Perhaps I or one can remember last summer during some of the early primaries, most of the town where I am right now voted against him among other places not too far from Puerto Plata called Cangrejo that about 98% of the people voted against him.

Popularity: One can be slightly or all out confused about this process, but indeed it has proven to work for Leonel before in past elections.

Many say Leonel is like the male version of HIlary Clinton.

He has no shame nor the humbleness to quit or concede to just anyone.

He would usually wait until close to election months, even weeks to simply lower prices on staples and give the people a false sense of what they think is a better economy and of course from the first P mentioned above people always fall for his bait. Leonel flips his stance on many issues that he knows will feed right into the psyche of the mass and often contradict his stances on those issues.

Yet meanwhile many Dominicans are asking these questions: How come he had time and money devoted to the Metro system while many citizens cannot feed themselves?

Why most of them are without even jobs to be able to do just that, which is survive through the hardships that cause many of DR's young men and women to result in gang activities and tourist prostitution?

Which brings us to...

Propaganda: Those politicians will do anything and try to sell out any messages of false hope to get elected or re-elected.

Anyone who knows DR's or generally CAribbean politics would tell you it is no picnic being Islanders.

Caribbean politicians often have this motto that many could say comes from the ideologies of former Colonists who have colonized their Countries thus of which these politicians never actually have broken away from. They always only talk of change during their propaganda promotions for or come election and re-election time but still catering to foreign benefiting based puppeteering motivated policies that often get their Countries nowhere why those once before self-sufficient and self-maintained Island Countries have become so dependent on foreign imports when they use to be the leaders of Exports of tropical goods and products to many other Countries around the world.

Those politicians knows that by keeping their own Countries divided within themselves are the only assurable way no candidates can ever win by landslide victories which will keep those citizens divided for the next few months into the presidency of any next elected president in their presidential term or terms.

This election year, there are less tourists in DR or the Caribbean in general I was told which puts a set back on the actual economy revenue t in those Caribbean Countries to not forget and include the recent global rise on food, oil renders life on the grounds of these Caribbean Paradises to be more expensive and difficult now for tourists.

Believe it or not, with 300 pesos 6 months ago, I was able to eat, drink and with change back to take a motoconcho and be able to tip the waiter, the motoconcho driver and give some money to the kids I was cool with on the block here in Puerto Plata.

Now, the food alone takes most of that 300 pesos.

Nowadays, you need a good 600 pesos to eat well in the Streets of Puerto Plata.

Hell, the Brahma here is 80 to 100 pesos now, which was way cheaper than the Presidente which is now 100 to 150 pesos that I used to get from locals for 70 pesos.

I used to even go straight to the Brewer of Brugal and Presidente to buy my beers, now even them have raised their prices up.

My mother is saying as always: "You see, it is not just in Haiti things are bad, even here life is tough and it is everywhere" and then she starts with her catholic religious End Of The World notions which are unbearable to go through with her. She keeps asking me to repent because "something is terribly wrong here, Blanc.

What the hell is happening to the world people!?" she mentioned, asked and screamed.

She hates Leonel's gut with a passion so I hate him too just for that reason she makes my mother get into long winded political talk with me that I do not know much about DR's politic if I must admit.

PS: By the way, "Blanc" is my nick name that my mother always used to call me. Only those who really, actually know me personally on family level call me that name. So do not attempt to use it, since I find it highly offensive when those who do not know me use it. So do not even think about it. Which I know most of you will now use just to just mess with me so screw you. Life is splendid here in Costombar, except expensive and my mother just will not shut up. I guess I did not fall far from her tree. Anyway, I am out and off to Campo which is my next stop from Puerto Plata, then Cap-Haitien, Haiti this weekend.

I come back to US next weekend.

So, so long suckers!!!

Will Rosenberg, May 14 2008, 3:53 PM

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