the re-establishment of haiti's armed forces.

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By Wilgeens Rosenberg

The regular Haitian Armed Forces (FADH) - Army, Navy, and Air Force - have been demobilized but still exist on paper until or unless they are constitutionally abolished which by law it has not. Yes indeed, Haiti's Military Branch is quite a formidable possibility and as it always shall...

Thus Haiti may very well soon has a Military Force which to my knowledge is in progress via the recruitment of the Police Force system which will later be divided when and once the maximum capacity is reached for the Police Force in Haiti as well as when the very bare minimum number is reached for a feasible substantial amount for an Army in Haiti through that very same system that is being used for the present Haitian Police Force.

However, most of that possibility of an Armed Forces in Haiti depends on the level of confidence and competence of those Police members.

The MINUSTAH's role and UN/NATO mission does not constitute in Agendum the training and establishment of an Armed Forces in Haiti since they are peace keepers and not indeed a direct Military invading force of a specific Nation.

In explanation of the complexity of the politics of things, to explain why the United States of American Armed Forces managed to have left soon enough so that this did not become their mission simply because eventually it would have been. But also, to would have had this being their mission, it would have had to be consisted of them having been or being directly the force that discontinued the existence of the Haitian Armed Forces which they were not.

The legitimacy of it all is that, it was done by the implementation of an actual act of a Constitutionally Democratically elected official president thus Jean-Bertrand Aristide whom as head of State and Commander In Chief of the Nation that he may have had a sense of legal responsibility to do if he had deemed so that this Force which we all know was corrupted represented a National Threat to the Country of his Presidency in whole which were the known pattern for that Armed Force in Haiti to routinely have done in may occasions been part of most if not all of the Coups in Haiti So the re-establishment of an Armed Forces in Haiti would have to be a well concise thought out process as well as its support financially would have to be well planed out as to consider all economical ramifications of that possibility, positive and negative ones. The amount of strategy it would require is devastatingly challenging as clearly and understandably it is not an easy task and project that perhaps Haiti may want to start getting engaged into for now if the Country itself has not amass any prospects of respectable of margin of gains Economically and since the politics of the political aspects of things in Haiti have not improved much if at all.

The Governmental challenges and incompetencies of both the Executive and Parliament Branch lack great fundamental cohesion as well as the corruptive mantra of bad politics being practiced in the Country in whole renders most of that possibility of re-establishing the Haitian Armed Forces a dire challenge or notion to conceive at this time.

Never or nonetheless, Haiti as indeed a Sovereign Independent Nation deserves every shot at this if that was to be part of the ambitions and goals of Haiti's politician and lawmakers one day, yes it is quite a possibility.

Will Rosenberg, May 11 2008, 4:05 PM

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