THANK you for having clarified this for these imbecile racist...

Hispanolanoyosoy says...

THANK you for having clarified this for these imbecile racist idiots, Bill. I have given them resources and tools which I am sure they will say do not suffice.

Haitians believe if one has come to accept that they are latino that it means we are flattering Hispanoic or Spanish speaking European Descents.

No and Most other Latinos think that when an Haitian says he or sheis Afro-latinos that it means we are ashamed or afraid to say that we are just black.

Not even.

It is something that both Haitians and those around the Latin-American Countries are yet to come to term with. Now if somebody wants to claim being anything that they wish, that is entirely up to them given to whom or what they want to feel related to or want to identify with more.

However accept and believe them or not, the facts are the facts regardless if they were knowledge being educated and passed down to the world populace by White Europeans but already most scholars all over the world have accepted those as facts already and those very same people who want to claim and disclaim others they too have already accepted that education as being banal common knowledge, yet they are so focus on classicism and discriminatory hatred notions and beliefs that they are still infuriate the world with their made up differences and division or maybe they actually do not really know or educated at all. Thus pitifully forgive them.

The topic is: sir how is haiti a latin country
This is a reply to Msg 8517
Posted by Hispanolanoyosoy on May 8 2008 at 3:30 AM

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Poor you who wants to claim supremacy into being "LATINO" yet blinded by supremacist Trujilloism and Anti-Haitiasmo Many decades ago, there was not a "Stand Alone" independent Dominican Republic, there was only Saint Domingue or Hispaniola. Now you > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 2:58 am
THANK you for having clarified this for these imbecile racist idiots, Bill. I have given them resources and tools which I am sure they will say do not suffice. Haitians believe if one has come to accept that they are latino that it means we are > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 3:30 am
You can whatever you like. My point is we are all American. If we all continue the path we are on then there will always be a division among people. Seriously I don't know why this discussion was raised in the first place. I do know none of us or > >
Steve, 8-May-08 8:14 am
I am glad someone actually does research. I told another post that they can be whatever they choose but in the end we will all always be American. To me Latino is a state of mind, a way of life. I would never consider myself Latino because that wo > >
Steve, 8-May-08 8:21 am
Steevo, These idiots are the typical "Idiots" who are stuck in their ways filled with hatred and racial resentments and pride they will not allow to unblock them to be able to progress in this Society, because as long as they have this excuse to m > >
Hispanolanoyosoy, 8-May-08 9:23 am
Just like any other US American (Bill O'Reilly for example). Always have criticisms but never volunteer to create a solution. I don't know maybe some day that will change. I really feel that society as a whole will never advance because of all the > >
Steve, 8-May-08 9:45 am
There's some intelligent, smart, educated people in here, but unfortunately there's also some really stupid, ignorant,moronic, contradictory, imbeciles in here as well. The latter can't seem to discern the elementary differences between race, contine > >
Billy, 9-May-08 11:08 pm
THANK YOU MY FRIEND. Say no more. I tried to explain that to these buffoons but they are adamant at being stuck on racial divide. I tried to tell them that Spain, Portugal, Great Britain are all Europeans thus Whites so no matter if in the Ameri > >
Will Rosenberg, 10-May-08 1:01 am
Man, that was a good argument. There is a bunch of idiots, and racists on this blog. They are deprived of common sense; they will not do a little research before saying stupid things. These morons seem to run this blog and refuse to admit their ignor > >
Zandolit, 10-May-08 11:50 pm
Here are some more educated tidbits of knowledge for all of you imbecilic putzes out there who love to tell the world how dumb you really are! The sad part is, you don’t even realize how utterly and insanely foolish and stupid you really are! If... > >
Billy, 11-May-08 9:55 pm
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