president preval is bouki's little brother

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Président Préval I heard you had bad grades at school does that mean that you are dumb like Bouki.

Président Préval I heard that you are a tafiateur, do you sprinkle that vodka over your eggs in the morning, or do you drink it with your coffee as "café a la vodka".

Maybe you like the vodka all by itself.

And what's with all that hair on your face?

Is it suppose to hide that huge bald spot of yours on top of your head?

People can still see it you know, such a big bald spot like that. Have you thought about using Minoxidil 5% spray.

That's the only product from Rogaine known to grow hair on earth.

On the other hand maybe you have all that hair on your face as a mask, because you see staring back at you in the mirror makes you guilty.

At least you have a conscious, since you are medicating yourself with alcohol, unlike your friend Titide the devil incarnate, the demon, the fallen angel.

What a waste of a human being, such disappointment to God. What have you done for Haiti Pré val to deserve to pay yourself 81 million US dollars.Give some of that money to the poor. It might make you feel better.When you were at school Préval, were you too busy partying and womanizing instead of studying?

Is this why you do not have a real diploma Préval. Is this why your penis is now limp, I heard you were impotent also. Can't get it up Hey?

You used it so much you ended up with prostate cancer or worse! Have a wonderful day Président Préval. Try the 12 steps program.

Try to find God. God is merciful but I am not.

Titi, April 25 2008, 11:51 AM

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