Mr Rosenberg, I am not aware of any web link for that story...

Rubens F. Titus says...

Mr Rosenberg, I am not aware of any web link for that story nor that I ever seeked for a link. Real scientific researches are not done on the web since the web is causing a bit of a problem - misinformation is rampant.

There are three ways you can access this level of information: 1. Textbooks by contemporary historians and published works over the past two hundred years or so. 2. Pamphlets, gazettes, magazines, newspapers circulating during the time of Christophe, Salnave, Hyppolite..ect..ect...3. Original documents and national archives.

Library of US Congress & US national archives, the Public Records office and British Library in London, the Archives of Quai d'Orsay in Paris, the New York Public Library and so forth
Unless some historian did the research and posted it on the web, I am not aware of any link.

The topic is: Histoire D'Haiti construction de l’unité nationale
This is a reply to Msg 6797
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on March 18 2008 at 10:57 PM

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Malgre ses efforts a promouvoir l'education Henri Chistophe etait un monarque peu populaire; Son royaume etait constamment en conflit avec le sud Republicain. Vers la fin de son regne, l'opinion publique a tourne decisivement contre lui a cause du " > >
Lionne, 18-Mar-08 2:42 pm
Rubens what is your problem with Petion? Can you accomplish in your era with all the resources that Haiti has at its disposal not to forget all those Millions from the international community half of the things that Petion accomplished? What budget a > >
Lionne, 18-Mar-08 7:23 pm
Mensonges, Lionne, Mensonges sur l'histoire d'Haiti. Christophe naquit the 6 Octobre 1767 sur l'ile de la Grenade, une ancienne colonie francaise cedee a l'Angleterre par le traite de Paris quatre annees au paravant. Henry Christophe etait d'une coul > >
Rubens F. Titus, 18-Mar-08 8:21 pm
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 18-Mar-08 8:35 pm
I dont have a personal problem with Petion. I am just interested in History, a social science, and the analysis thereof. I just want to make sure fellow compatriotes look at Haitian history from all angles. Before I continue, critizing the mulatre Pe > >
Rubens F. Titus, 18-Mar-08 10:18 pm
Mr Rosenberg, I am not aware of any web link for that story nor that I ever seeked for a link. Real scientific researches are not done on the web since the web is causing a bit of a problem - misinformation is rampant. There are three ways you can ac > >
Rubens F. Titus, 18-Mar-08 10:57 pm
ALL HOPE LEFT IS AN EMPTY BUCKET By Wilgeens Rosenberg A forgotten promise that never appears, In a country of constant neglect. A sadness embraced by many fears, A loneliness with much reject Is all hope left. Humor says never mind the > >
Wilgeens Rosenberg, 18-Mar-08 11:52 pm
Rosenberg: Ask and you shall receive. Anyway we found our information on several websites and decided to go with what we thought was correct. Most of my information came from the first htm link but Rubens Titus think the others are not so correct. Th > >
Lionne, 19-Mar-08 2:59 am
Lionne, seriously. You see the contradictions between those two sites that you are referring to: & wikipedia 1. said Christophe born in Grenada whereas Wikipedia said St Kitts. 2. Wikipedia said Christophe distinguish > >
Rubens F. Titus, 19-Mar-08 5:01 am
OK Rubens you are right. My father do not even want to hear anything about Haiti, and Haiti is a dead issue with my mother. I gather that someone or something have hurt them or their friends or other family members really bad for them to be that way > >
Lionne, 19-Mar-08 2:30 pm
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