Dual citizenship in Haiti

Pasteur J.r. Lallemand says...

Mr. President I first would like to encourage you on the job you are doing for the people of my country Haiti.

I which that God would bless you with a long life and a good and restored health.

My question is, can you take the initiative, to encourage the Haitian impalement to pass a new law making dual citizenship a reality in Haiti?, so people like me and my children can one day serve our beloved country in any capacity.

Pasteur J.R. Lallemand

Posted by Pasteur J.r. Lallemand on March 7 2008 at 1:10 AM

Messages in this topic

We must understand that the reason why a lot of the people do not support the dual citizenship in Haiti is cause they are efraid of us turning the country of haiti to a beautiful and honest place, they know that we know more about how to create Job a > >
Jean Raymond Philippe, 27-Jan-09 3:11 pm
Supporter Cuba and Haiti Been Free State Associate of the USA give a commentary: The discrimination that exists between the Cuban or Haitian citizen of the USA and the Haitians or Cubans who are not citizen of the USA is tremendous. They have mobil > >
Solitariorodriguez, 28-Jan-09 10:55 am
DEFINITION:Dual citizenship or dual nationality refers to an individual being a citizen of two countries or a legal status by which a Haitian becomes a citizen of two countries. Dual citizens have two passports and essentially live and travel freely > >
Samuel Frederique, 30-Jan-09 11:55 am
Dual citizenship debe ser una ley que favorezca la poblacion interna de haitianos. Dual citizenship no debe ser una ley solo para favorecer a una minoria de haitianos que tiene la suerte de ser ciudadano de USA La unica solucion es actualizar l > >
Solitario Rodriguez, 17-Feb-09 11:51 am
The definiton of dual citizenship or dual nationality, refers to an individual being a citizens of two countries or a legal status by which a haitian becomes a citizens of two cuontries.The need to change is apparent; the need to seek individuals who > >
Samuel Frederique, 19-Feb-09 8:21 pm