Dr. Laroche. I am very excited you can read french as well...

Rubens F. Titus says...

Dr. Laroche.

I am very excited you can read french as well. What I said ain't no excuses; they are historical facts.

The story of Haiti is similar to the theme in the movie 'Man of Honor': you cannot succeed if the people around you have one objective, to sabotage your success.

History is no excuse.

I am begining to find out that most Haitians resist looking back in time for fear of discovering our own demon and more importantly the true faces of Mother Haiti's enemies.

You may be thinking in the present, I am thinking in historical time and space.

Hadn't the elite destroyed Henry's Christophe Colleges in 1820, my homeland would have had university campuses that are 180 years old.
I have no problem talking about results of today because the ultimate goal is to move the country forward but those discussions can only be fruitful in the light of historical perspective.

The Americans occupied Haiti (1915-1934) while occupying the Dominican Republic (1916-1924); the Dominican Republic got massive american investments whereas Haiti got a debt. Some people speculate that the Americans got pissed off at the Haitian elite (both money & intellectual) for making the occupation unpopular, I say it aint so; I say it was a matter of black and white.

" What could have been" is what the current generation needs to know if it aspires to understand why and how a piece of land called Haiti went from France's richest colony to the world most impoverished nation.

Armed with that knowledge and that wisdom, then this generation can begin to move the country forward.

Dr. Laroche, welcome to the revolution; a whole new vision for Haiti.


The topic is: La Republique Dominicaine fait un autre pas
This is a reply to Msg 6482
Posted by Rubens F. Titus on March 6 2008 at 9:11 PM

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Mr. Titus this sounds like bunch of excuses to me. Success is usually accomplish after numerous trials and errors. Failure is just one stepping stone towards success. Haiti can use its own local companies to build whatever they need. In some cases t > >
Dr. Laroche, 6-Mar-08 3:40 pm
A t'entendre parler on dirait que tu es dans le secret des Dieux> Ils ont de difficultes certes parcequ'il y a toutes les structures a mettre en place et ne savent pas ou commencer. Deux ans de cela je leur avait conseiller de faire dilligence pour c > >
Robert P Toussaint, 6-Mar-08 4:08 pm
Temporary Labor force would help Haiti. A place where an individual could go to and get a one day to three days job to work on special projects. Toussaint have you thought about the possibility that those who are in power may not have the diplomas t > >
Durosier, 6-Mar-08 4:37 pm
Dr. Laroche. I am very excited you can read french as well. What I said ain't no excuses; they are historical facts. The story of Haiti is similar to the theme in the movie 'Man of Honor': you cannot succeed if the people around you have one objectiv > >
Rubens F. Titus, 6-Mar-08 9:11 pm
Mr. Titus: I detect a bit of sarcasm in your response. You keep bringing up the ugly past. It would be a good idea to find closure from your childhood traumas. Therapy is usually the best medicine. Focus on what makes you so resentful of the elite > >
Lucien Destlaurent, 7-Mar-08 3:02 pm
Mr. Deslaurent. You started your essay with ad hominem comments toward my person therefore I am not dignifying you with a reply. Since this is an open forum, I will say this much. I am not interested in personal attacks; that won't get Haiti nowhere. > >
Rubens F. Titus, 8-Mar-08 3:12 am
This is not my argument, but speak for yourself fellow. There might be some exceptions to this rule but "concubinage" is not common among the elite due to the inheritance issues that might arise from such relationships. We do not have all those hang > >
Philipe, 8-Mar-08 9:26 pm
My apology if I stroke chord there! Your candour is much appreciated since it gives me a new insight into the Haitian mind. Before I fled my homeland, I traveled a bit around and I noticed we are somewhat a mixed bunch with a clear majority. I did al > >
Rubens F. Titus, 9-Mar-08 1:56 am
The only two people who ow you something in this world are your parents. They are responsible for your education. The schools are accessible in Haiti to anyone who can afford to pay for them. The government can provide such social programs based on t > >
Philip, 10-Mar-08 1:32 pm
Mr Phillip. Obviously we are on opposite side of the spectrum. We agree to disagree. You're still throwing insults so this cannot be a fruitful discussion. I am grateful to my parents for raising me right and making the sacrifices that they made. How > >
Rubens F. Titus, 10-Mar-08 8:17 pm
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