to ajane: a just reply!

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Reply to Msg 60

AJANE, everybody agrees that the country was running smoothly during the seven months of 1991_ improvement in humnan rights, schools were being built, children were being respected for the first time. the issue of restavek was being discussed publicly, and actions were being taken to ensure the respect of their basic human rights.

why funding the coup-d'etat unless these guys were the scums of the earth.

come on ajane, why?

for the first in haitian history that no one can come to your house and arrest you without a warrant.

it was the first time that accused thieves were not beaten once taken to jail. it was the first time that regular soldiers had basic comfort in their barracks from having frig to little games of entertainment.

new beds were bought just for them. they were being paid on time. the so-called marriage between the people and the army was officiated symbolically.

in addition, the symbolic reconcialiation between haitian blacks and mulattos was made during aristid's inauguration with two little girls of obviously different skin-complexions bringing flowers to the new president.

some people must have really hated haiti for them to want a coup-d'etat.

the dominant economic group must be insane.

how in the world would you want to change the righteous path of a country that has been suffering for so long unless as simon used to say, they are greedy vampires.

let me ask you a question?

would not you tend to arm your supporters if your presidency was challenged twice( by lafontant and then michel francois).

any popular movement would need self-protection if it could not rely on the official authorities to protect it. after all, if its aim is to challenge the status quo, then it will meet substantial resistance from the corrupted repressive institutions upon which support the economic dominant group relies; and there is no question in anybody's mind that the disbanded army represented such an institution.

what you are seeing today is the aftermath of the haitian army's decades of misdeeds, not of aristid.

if mister aristid had become a villain(and i do not believe so despite the fact that he has some flaws), he must have become so by circumstances.

arming one's supporters when vulturs are waiting to devour you is not the problem.

the problem comes when one is arming the wrong people.

self-protection is a sacred law, and protecting one's legitimate mandate is ethical.

the presumed arming of certain key civilians could have been done in a more disciplined way.for instance, the guns could have been stored by a very smart and disciplined former soldier, and to be distributed only in the eventuality of a coup-d'etat.

allende is chile had its own self-protecting group?


they could not rely on the army as evidenced by the bloody coup of pinochet.

most circumstancial criminals such as amaral are not necessarily against change, they are the product of their time_ they are not sociopaths who cannot choose an honest way of life if given the opportunity.

remember ajane, not everybody in haiti was as lucky as you and me to escape extreme poverty.

Observer Keen, March 18 2006, 3:12 PM

Topic: New Army Part II: The Big Mistake of The Army

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