That the first president was John Hanson and that he was black...

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Reply to Msg 5774

That the first president was John Hanson and that he was black are both urban legends.

The man did exist, and he did play an important role in US history, but he was not a President, as that post did not yet exist in his time. The man was not black.

His father was an indentured servant but never a slave and never black.

There are many websites that can actually give you the facts, but the truth is that you should really read about this guy in a history book. D. Gregory also should also have done that before writing the article that created this legend.

Linda, January 25 2008, 5:05 PM

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That the first president was John Hanson and that he was black are both urban legends. The man did exist, and he did... read more >
Linda, 25-Jan-08 5:05 pm
I believe no. As long as the Us national palace is called the "white House", no black candidate will stand a chance. read more >
Mercibeaucoup, 25-Jan-08 5:21 pm
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Natasha, 25-Jan-08 5:56 pm
Hi Natasha, Si MerciBeaucoup te parait un peu bizarre,tu pourras toujours le substituer a Gros-Mornes. Peut-etre que... read more >
Natash A 2, 25-Jan-08 8:46 pm
Thank you Linda, i will check that out, i may be wrong. read more >
Soufnantiou, 27-Jan-08 2:27 pm
Je ne partage pas ton avis du tout, tant qu'il y a un Bon Dieu, tout est possible. Car la Bible dit, tout pouvoir... read more >
Soufnantiou, 27-Jan-08 2:32 pm


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