where is the haitian human right activist lovinski
Flo says...
THIS IS A QUOTE: "Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine was kidnapped in Haiti and has been "disappeared" since August 12th. There is an international call for actions pressing for his safe return.
In Southern California, we are making an urgent call for people who will join Danny Glover & others to participate in a rolling fast asking for his safe return to his family and community who love and need him. Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is an extraordinary grassroots organizer and a leading advocate for the poor, including street children, teenage mothers and victims of torture." Apparently the Haitian GOVERNMENT IS AT IT AGAIN! tHERE WAS A " fast, on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007 THE 24-hour fast initiated by Global Women's Strike to demand safe return of Haiti human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine in Los Angeles, gathered at 10:30am outside the Brazilian Consulate at 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills" HEY WHERE IS PIERRE-ANTOINE LOVINSKY.
Bunch of A.S.S. HOLE! How do you expect to make progress when Haitians do not have the right to be left alone when they are not breaking any laws. please sign the online petition at: petitiononline.com/august/petition.html. Also please share the petition information with as many people as you can. Please email to la at crossroadaswomen.net or fax to 310-798-8350
Coordinated by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Haiti which includes: ANSWER Coalition, CISPES/LA, Coalition in Solidarity with Haiti, Global Women's Strike/LA, International Action Center, and the Pan African Activist Coalition.
For info call 323-276-9833; email: la at crossroadswomen.net.
websites: www.globalwomenstrike.net
PS: THIS PLAN SOUNDS LIKE AN IMF TYPICAL STRATEGY FOR CONTROL" wave of dismissals that has begun under the plan to privatize public enterprises." HAITI IS BEING SOLD OUT BY THE SELL OUTS!
Posted by Flo on December 13 2007 at 3:00 AM