Ti Malice are you now Nelson.Jean-Phillip?
Flo says...
Before it was Papa Legba the nasty Lwa, than Codo I suspect Boje but his or her vocabulary have surpassed your previous writings.
Now you are confusing Linda with Flo who do not know each other.
I am Flo and believe me I am NOT SO NICE ON THIS BLOG OR IN REAL LIFE. Try to contribute something POSITIVE to this blog, share you ideas.
Stop criticizing other bloggers (government is fine since they pose a serious threat to the future of Haiti).
You are one sad sad individual, imagine that trying to get credit on a blog, and posting a long list of volume this or that, as if people are intersted or even care for that sort of nonsense.
We dispense the information with good intentions.
I for one do not try to mislead my Haitian compatriotes.
If they do not believe that the info is totally correct, they can find out with a few key strokes on the internet.
Whats the matter with you anyway?
Dont you get satisfaction from your own personal accomplishments in life?
You always give your self away by your bitter renditions about religion and how things used to be on this blog ect ect. At first you sounded like a father figure then you degenerated into a puny, viscious, trecherous, obtuse sad person.
In fact I did not GET YOU last time OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE THINGS YOU USED TO POST. I thought you were going through a phase about the religious thing (god all mighty save the pederats) Unless you want me to chew you and spitt you out DO NOT MENTION MY BLOG NAME in your posts.
Perhaps you are looking for what psychologist call "negative attention" Lay off the Flo stuff or you will have me to contend with..
I bet you Linda the anthropologist would never dream of being so rude BUT I CAN. She probably did not see this post.
This is a reply to Msg 4907
Posted by Flo on November 30 2007 at 4:36 PM