Tourism in Haiti
Flo says...
I admire your optimism Greg. I hope it is not short lived.
My mother would be willing to contribute lets say 5 dollars extra everytime she sends money to our grand-aunt who is childless.
But she does not plan to support any corrupt government thieves because the tax money always seem to find its way into their personal bank account.
W.I.I.F.M (Whats In It For Me) or for us, nothing really just a little contribution for the future of mother Haiti.
When our grand-aunt dies we are going to separate the land and donate one acre to each worker who have been working for her. We are not interested in growing anything in Haiti.
All of us plan to retire on other beautiful islands in the caribbean.
Unfortunately we said adieu to Haiti a long time ago. I hope that those sharks don't start that strong arm tatic with your project.
They like to have their palms greased lavishly as if you are running a charity organization instead of a business.Good Luck.
The topic is: Japan=Tourism from the Orient
This is a reply to Msg 4931
Posted by Flo on November 30 2007 at 3:35 PM
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It is simple, the haitian parliament is part of the kidnapping too, that's why they don't want to vote a death sentence law.
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Djakut, 28-Nov-07 9:43 pm
By Lionel Vernet on 11-27-07, 06:30 PM Angry Le remede pour eradiquer le kidnapping J' ai deja ecrit que le kidnapping appauvrit La Diaspora et lui enleve toute possibilite de retourner en Haiti. Le kidnapping est une religion de mafias anti-human
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Lionel L. Vernet, 29-Nov-07 4:06 pm
Its Haiti's leaders who are diabolical. They were too busy stealing from mother Haiti and killing Haitian people so they could rule for life. You know the African chief law of the jungle thing!! Meanwhile the population grew I beleive from 6 to 8 mil
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Flo, 29-Nov-07 10:39 pm
I think that is great that Japanese potential tourists are considering Haiti. James, the people who responded to this blog are right. The security and kidnapping issue is a huge problem in Haiti. Even the Haitian diaspora is afraid of coming to Ha
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Greg Peters, 30-Nov-07 12:10 am
I think the Ford deal was a ten year deal.
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Djakut, 30-Nov-07 3:10 pm
I admire your optimism Greg. I hope it is not short lived. My mother would be willing to contribute lets say 5 dollars extra everytime she sends money to our grand-aunt who is childless. But she does not plan to support any corrupt government thieves
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Flo, 30-Nov-07 3:35 pm
Today,every politician is talking about decentralization.Do you believe they want to decentralize the country? On one side of their mouths they say yes, and the other side say no.They want every transaction to pass at the gate of the "Republic of
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Tony Saint Festin, 30-Nov-07 4:10 pm
I have heard that American Eagle may fly to Cap-Haitien at some point in time, but this is the first time that I have heard Spirit Airlines was ever even considering it. I didn't think that Cap's airport could handle jets. Only smaller planes, like
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James, 30-Nov-07 5:30 pm
In response to James: On March 23rd,2007.The vice-president of Spirit airlines Michael Pewther and the haitian tourist's minister Patrick Delatour went to Cap-Haitien in an exploration visit.I heard improvements have been made to
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Tony Saint Festin, 30-Nov-07 6:53 pm
Greg, just like Flo said: good luck to you. Last time i visited Haiti was in 1995. My mind is now in Martinique. Ciao
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Djakut, 1-Dec-07 4:02 pm
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