future of haiti?too many excuses.look atjapan

Flo says...

Haiti's economy?

Rubens this is a bunch of Blah Blah Blah excuses.

200 Years is a long time for economic growth, regardless of past atrocities.

Those who are ignorant he can't produce nothing Let's face it a lot of Haiti's leaders are mediocre, a lot of them lack vision due to their lack of education.

They became government employees for the sole purpose of enriching themselves.

They are doing it at the expanse of the general population.

They are interested in their own bottom line as in their Swiss bank accounts.

Their voracity have no bound.

The theme on this blog so far coming from very nice and not so nice sources is the same. Haiti's government employees are all thieves.

The job of the government entail the allocation of resources, to simply put it "who gets what, when, and how".

For instance about 150 families are considered Bourgeois in Haiti which is in fact upper middle-class.

Somehow they have made it in a land of endless impossibilities despites the voracious thieves who are always trying to squeeze them out of their hard earned funds.

They pay taxes on everything if they are running a business, but they are not getting any services in return for their money as one blogger said. They don't even have an appropriate level of security.

Frankly I believe that they are the geniuses of that society.

Those who are envious have criticized them for running a business with cheap labor (it's the govt. job to set up minimum wages and retirement benefits) Those same people can't even operate or even succeed in business in the United States, in fact they are still working for the white men. There is no old elite in Haiti, they have all left the country a long time ago. The new Bourgeois wealth is no more than 40 years old. My family is like a rainbow from all levels of economic background, therefore I have a tendency to see things from a different perspective.

I would like to make a small point by this example: For instance the United States dropped uranium and plutonium bombs on Japan, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which in fact killed as many as 220,000 people (official count) in 1945. Furthermore six months of firebombing by the US of about 67 other cities left thousands dead, and thousands more died from injuries and illness attributed to exposure to radiation, plus the Japanese had to clean up the mess, that was no small feat. But Japan survived and became very successful after World War II. Their economic model was designed primarily as a mechanism for catching up to the West industrially and technologically.

In CONTRAST with Western capitalism it emphasized the needs of producers over the welfare of consumers.

As a result the little Japanese island became a first world economy.

Posted by Flo on November 27 2007 at 3:47 PM

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Japan economic model and suvival despite the United States atomic attack so Pleaaaaase lay off the excuses: Japans initial economic success led to development of the "flying geese" concept which other Asian countries adopted. Japan by the way is n > >
Flo, 27-Nov-07 3:53 pm
Hey Flo, most times I agree with some, but also disagree with some of what you say. This is the first time that I actually agree with almost everything you said. To start with, you are so right, aEoethere is no old elite in Haiti, they have all... > >
Linda, 27-Nov-07 4:56 pm
Hi Flo, you're absolutely right 200 Years is a long time for economic growth in Haiti. We need to stop blamimg others, instead we should blame the Government for not doing their job. I did talk about Japan once in my post just to prove to one idiot > >
Djakut, 27-Nov-07 7:37 pm
Hi Djakut and Flo; did you guys see the post by Nathaly Paul, on the water filtration system in Japan. As I've said many times, it's not great ideas that's missing, its great leadership. I will keep saying this, we can keep talking, keep posting, kee > >
Linda, 27-Nov-07 8:18 pm
They all get seduce by power, money and sex. We need a female president who has a degree in international law or economics and work experience as an executive at the corporate level. She should also be wealthy in her own right to be able to combat c > >
Flo, 27-Nov-07 11:06 pm
Hola Djakut Japan is the only country in the world that was attacked by atomic bombs. They were able to triumph despite such tragedy. The government cooperated with the private sector. In Haiti the government is constantly trying to rip-off the priv > >
Flo, 27-Nov-07 11:22 pm
HA HA HA Linda Linda. I would never divulge anything about myself. Sometimes you are dealing with my little sister and don't even know it. I thought you might want to know. Intriguing isn't it. > >
Flo, 27-Nov-07 11:35 pm
I say more power to the Haitian women; they are so beautiful and sweet. Seriously, one of our best presidents ever was a woman " Ertha Pascal Trouillot". They tried to derail her from organizing the election but she held stedfast. Thanks Ertha > >
Rubens Titus, 28-Nov-07 1:14 am
Hey Rubens; This is one history that I am not familiar with...I mean I know that she was the president and all that, but what happened to her since that time? I also don't know very much about the way she ruled. Do you? This question is also for any > >
Linda, 28-Nov-07 8:50 am
The Japanese export-led economy is a good idea which is being adopted by countries in Latin America. But Haiti has not invested in education. They do not make cars. Haiti has subsistence farming not commercial farming. Private companies should buy la > >
Taiino, 28-Nov-07 12:35 pm
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