Where where is this message? Linda? I have to navigate to this...
Flo says...
Where where is this message?
I have to navigate to this message.
Boy I must have missed it. This guy is going to hear from me as soon I as find it.
The topic is: Giving Haiti Back To God
This is a reply to Msg 4747
Posted by Flo on November 13 2007 at 12:27 PM
Messages in this topic
It seems to me, you're always looking at the dark side of Christianity, the religion in itself does not cause harm to anyone, and It is the fanatics with their intolerance that caused all the troubles. First, every one knows the fact that Sunday was > >
Ti Malice, 1-Nov-07 3:34 am
You Ti Malice is looking at the darker side of Voudou or Sacred Spirit Divine. I do not see anything wrong with people dancing to their Grand Maitre Divine and experience The God in their own way according to their culture. As far as crimes are conce > >
Flo, 2-Nov-07 3:13 am
It is a waste of time to have a dialogue with a few people on this blog, particularly Flo!. They have created an atmosphere where no ones can sit down and have an intelligent, respecful and poductive discussion with them. Their accusatory, disrepecfu > >
Ti Malice, 2-Nov-07 10:29 am
Hi, I did not know Africa had its own Gods. I did not know the Haitian people worship the Gods of Africa. My friend you are way off. If you are referring to Vaudou then let it be known all Vaudou ceremonies start with glory to the Supreme Being. T > >
Rubens Titus, 3-Nov-07 6:31 pm
Hey pastor Bob, which God are you refering to? Is he the same God which was introduced to the native Indians, owners of the land, gaining their trust, only to see that trust being violated & being slauthered by those who had came under the banners > >
Boje Lwijan, 13-Nov-07 3:08 am
Boje Lwijan Thanks for telling Pastor Bob some basic truth. Saves the rest of us from having to go down that path again--specially flo. > >
Linda, 13-Nov-07 12:13 pm
Where where is this message? Linda? I have to navigate to this message. Boy I must have missed it. This guy is going to hear from me as soon I as find it. > >
Flo, 13-Nov-07 12:27 pm
JEALOUSY Is coveting another's goods. God on the other hand is a SUPREME REALITY or UNIVERSAL DIVINE ENERGY. Remember in chemistry 101 energy can never be created it can only be converted from one form to another. Therefore God cannot be created, God > >
Flo, 13-Nov-07 1:39 pm
It is very surprising that the world is still exposed to ideas such as those generated throughout centuries. During the Middles Ages people were burned alive, chopped off, guillotined, accused of atheism, heresy licencing other people to commit crime > >
Jean-benito Mercier, 22-Nov-07 9:01 pm
Jean-benito Mercier; I just saw your reply to this post, and I had to shake your hand and say thank you. Your response was well thought-out and well articulated. Anyone who reads it will think twice before writing to us again about giving our country > >
Linda, 25-Nov-07 11:19 am