Like everything else about our society, we've managed to fail...

Taylor Laguerre says...

Like everything else about our society, we've managed to fail to organise at every level.

I am at a loss for words, because, I see nothing in the light for an effective change in the near future.

God bless Haïti and it's people.


The topic is: Haitians from everywhere unite!!!
This is a reply to Msg 4529
Posted by Taylor Laguerre on November 7 2007 at 9:03 AM

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Sorry about the double negative in my last posting, and any other spelling or grammatical errors that might offend. I am very emotional about this issue. > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 12:37 am
I find it hard to see how ur people treat ur prez. I think the fool is the person that think a prez can be " au four et moulin" with all the say of fools. Mr Preval is trying to take your people out ot dirts he is having his "kwi" in hands to find yo > >
Codo, 7-Nov-07 2:44 am
The more I thought about our situation as a people, the more I realized that we have to get back to our roots and learn from history. The founding fathers taught us that there is strength in unity. It is in fact our national motto. When the amer > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 7-Nov-07 8:48 am
Like everything else about our society,we've managed to fail to organise at every level.I am at a loss for words, because, I see nothing in the light for an effective change in the near future. God bless Haiti and it's people. Taylor. > >
Taylor Laguerre, 7-Nov-07 9:02 am
Like everything else about our society,we've managed to fail to organise at every level.I am at a loss for words, because, I see nothing in the light for an effective change in the near future. God bless Haiti and it's people. Taylor. > >
Taylor Laguerre, 7-Nov-07 9:03 am
It is OK, Linda. I understand and sympathize with your anger. Enough is enough! Someone said that history continually repeats itself. The actors might be new, the scenery might be slightly different, but the basic situation remains the same. Don' > >
Max Johnson Fgb, 7-Nov-07 9:08 am
I'm in complete agreement with you! It is now our government’s responsibility to wage a good PR campaign to address this issue. The president can afford to hire with public money some qualified lawyers in scientist to stop the "scientific... > >
Gros Jean, 7-Nov-07 10:04 am
Hey Max, Don't forget everytime we mention our ancestors, like Toussaint etc...the world becomes "madder" at us, if you allow me to use this word. They don't want to hear this story again like: we're the first black, bla, bla, bla. That's why every > >
Djakut, 7-Nov-07 10:23 am
Thank you linda for this aticle this make a lot of sense for the hatian people get together for oce to represent them self I support you.... > >
Fedner, 7-Nov-07 10:38 am
How about Du Bois's talented 10--for Haitians. As I do not believe in appropriating already existing models, I use Du Bois only as a lead to say that I think we should start our own Think Tank, but one that would be structured to meet Haitian needs. > >
Linda, 7-Nov-07 10:44 am
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