Mr. TiMalice, Bonjour! Merci pour le compliment, disons, vous...

Mardochard Louis says...

Mr. TiMalice,


Merci pour le compliment, disons, vous abondez dans mes pensees, ou plus precisement notre esprit se communique.

in fact, the plagiarism is not my weakest link, I am very careful not to build on other people's ideology foundation, but some time, our inspirations, influenced by a similar objectivity, have filled up our sentiments with the same linguistic expression.

I salute also the understanding that you have about the profane languages some blogger used on this site, and which need to stop in no time soon. One may not agree with some one point of view of others, but that does not mean you should blast him/her with indecent naked words which are indigestibles to our literary tastes.

Mr. Ti-Malice, I am glad that there is some one like me on this site who stands for the decency, and I think those QUI ONT LE VERBE HAUT need to modify their expressions for the sake of good and decent communication.

Finally, your pseudonym doesn't affect at all your intelligence, it shows instead the humility of a great spirit-minded individual whom the paradoxical ideology dares to be different from the vulgairs.

Respectfully yours.

Mardochard louis

The topic is: The battle of the minds!
This is a reply to Msg 4457
Posted by Mardochard Louis on October 26 2007 at 1:30 PM

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Stop all this nonsense! McKenzie I have read your current and previous posts. May I remind you this is a Blog FOR ALL HAITIANS from all WALKS OF LIFE, i.e some may not write English very well, some may write in Creole, some may write in broken French > >
Flo, 25-Oct-07 4:23 pm
Flo, Your anti-semitism is showing. Cordially, McKenzie P.S. If you judge my intelligence with a few misspelled words it shows how deficient your mind is, My dear, I do not need spell correct to write-the words just flow-naturally (some > >
Mckenzie, 25-Oct-07 6:20 pm
Hi Mckenzie! Greetings, No one shouldn't criticize the misspelled words which inadvertently occurred in some one writing essay. Yes, it is required by the grammatical rules to take care of that; but too many people pay too little attention when > >
Mardochard Louis, 25-Oct-07 10:09 pm
BOASTFUL McKenzie, your ARROGANCE has no bound. Again you are making disparaging assumptions and comments about someone you have never met. Now I am "anti-semitic" and my mind is" deficient" as well. You are NOT going to have fun at the "EXPENSE" of > >
Flo, 26-Oct-07 2:11 am
Dear bloggers, "the battle of the minds' was not posted in ts entirety for some unknown reason. I try to add what was missing based on my recollection of what I wrote that early morning. " It is so sad to see that the intellectuals cannot get al > >
Ti Malice, 26-Oct-07 11:10 am
Mr Mardochard, I have to applude your way of talikng to us. If I was working with the night I wrote this topic, i would accuse you of "stealing my tought"; what you have writen is 100% what I wrote in other words, but was not posted in its entirety. > >
Ti Malice., 26-Oct-07 11:24 am
Tonton " ZIZI", koman ou ye, mwen menm se TJD, ge'm tou patou, zorey mwen gran louvri. mwen te complimante w' pou jan ou ou te repon XYZ. Men samble depi le sa, ou pedi boussole. "Ton grand savoir te fais deraisonner".'Quel "grand savoir"? Ou depa > >
Ti Jan Danto, 26-Oct-07 12:36 pm
Very well stated, Ti Malice! Hope a message like this can reach as many Haitians as possible. We truly need a cure for that division and intolerance that have plagued our country for so long. May somebody spread your text or its translation to th > >
Gros-morne Gonaives, 26-Oct-07 1:05 pm
Mr. TiMalice, Bonjour! Merci pour le compliment, disons, vous abondez dans mes pensees, ou plus precisement notre esprit se communique. in fact, the plagiarism is not my weakest link, I am very careful not to build on other people's ideology fo > >
Mardochard Louis, 26-Oct-07 1:30 pm
Mr. TiMalice, Bonjour! Merci pour le compliment, disons, vous abondez dans mes pensees, ou plus precisement notre esprit se communique. in fact, the plagiarism is not my weakest link, I am very careful not to build on other people's ideology fo > >
Mardochard Louis, 26-Oct-07 1:37 pm
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