Hi Mckenzie! Greetings, No one shouldn't criticize the...
Mardochard Louis says...
Hi Mckenzie!
No one shouldn't criticize the misspelled words which inadvertently occurred in some one writing essay.
Yes, it is required by the grammatical rules to take care of that; but too many people pay too little attention when they are writing; I mean most of them write like they speak, and forget that the spoken language differs to the written language and each is governed by different rules.
Like the other blogger said, don't be too harsh on them, after all, we don't have the same education level.
So, show a little humanity towards those who are less educate than you, because no one had chosen to be less educated or ignorant, unless he/she is victimized by the social-economic injustice of his/her country.
I have read some of your replies, not all of them, their grammatical organizations are, in some extent, very well sounded, and your point of view also are very well taken indeed.
A such beautiful spirit should not let any corrupted thoughts invade the treasure of its content up to the point that to make you loose the control of your rationality by proffering derogatory expressions as condescension to diminish others.
If I was you, I would apologize once for all to those who are hurt by your prejudicial remarks.
Mr. Jacques Pierre, also wrote some pretty harsh words addressing to the Haitian in general as "L'HOMME DE PROJET" which is very derogatory and irrelevant to the integrity of Haitian public.
We need to be conscious and more responsible about what we have said and what we are saying about each others, because "PARMIS LES MOTS IL FAUT CHOISIR LE MOINDRE".
I am not judging you, but I am rebuking you to be more modest from the selections of words you use to criticize those who are less unfortunate than you, intellectually speaking.
Respectfully yours.
Mardochard Louis
The topic is: The battle of the minds!
This is a reply to Msg 4445
Posted by Mardochard Louis on October 25 2007 at 10:09 PM