Flo What's the point? I am not thrilled by your slide show...

Mardochard Louis says...


What's the point?

I am not thrilled by your slide show presentation of the universe.

Maybe this is the first time that you took a glimpse at the galaxy expansion.

Everything under the sky your eyes can see, your hand can touch, your ears can hear, your nose can smell, your feet can walk on, your palates can taste, and any word your mouth can express had been created by the wisdom of God, they are the reflections of His glory.

The reality is, you need to go down to the source to find the answer which your spirit is troubled by breaking with all skepticism which probably has blinded you from seeing the Divine wisdom of God from a new perspective level.

You will be wise if you follow my advice.

Mardochard Louis

The topic is: Exposé on Christianity!
This is a reply to Msg 4309
Posted by Mardochard Louis on October 18 2007 at 9:37 PM

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Flo What's the point? I am not thrilled by your slide show presentation of the universe. Maybe this is the first time that you took a glimpse at the galaxy expansion. Everything under the sky your eyes can see, your hand can touch, your ears can h > >
Mardochard Louis, 18-Oct-07 9:37 pm
Hi Mckenzie. I noticed that you used my statement to state a whole lot of your own opinions. As I continue to refuse to get pulled into a long endless discussion about religion, I'll simply say this to you. 1. Nowhere in my statements will you > >
Linda, 18-Oct-07 10:17 pm
Flo I am real, created by the Almighty God, not by the concocted evolution theory of that fool called Darwin. your fallacious interpretation of human science can define the infinite wisdom of God. your explanation about the Divine creation of God > >
Mardochard Louis, 18-Oct-07 10:21 pm
Mardochard perhaps you need to read what I wrote again, my argument is not about the existence of God, but the religious myths you obviously believe in. I presented you with scientific evidence and history, you presented me with fiction and monotonou > >
Flo, 19-Oct-07 2:14 am
Hey, Mardochard if i were you i would listen carefully with what Flo had said. I think she made sense here. > >
Djakut, 19-Oct-07 10:57 am
By reading this blog, i realized that you made some sense too. I think that you're absolutely right too. > >
Djakut, 19-Oct-07 10:59 am
Flo I never worship idols, never believe in "papa noel, Christmas, Santa Claus" what ever the name they might call it. By the way, the scientific evidence you have mentioned (LA VOIE LACTEE) is nothing new to my knowledge, and also what you call > >
Mardochard Louis, 19-Oct-07 12:27 pm
Djakut Dans mes efforts de trouver a taton la verite du sujet qui fournisse matiere a nos diverses reflections sur la "christianity", je vous en remerciemen surtout pour votre approbation > >
Mardochard Louis, 19-Oct-07 12:49 pm
Mardochard : This is for fun, relax. You just want to have the last word. You strike me as an individual who likes to preach to others and expect them to just listen to your blah blah blah. If you do not wish to hear the truth do not answer to my p > >
Flo, 20-Oct-07 12:17 am
Mardochard If the rest of the world followed your type of reasonning we would still be living in the stone age, with the world is flat idiosyncracy You do not have one iota of proof to back up any of your arguments (faith is not proof) while I have > >
Flo, 20-Oct-07 5:00 am
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