Re:Linda about the brutality of Christianity
Lets Continue This Discussion says...
If those events were not documented and preserved no one today would believe how cruel European men have been while imposing their religion on others and those are the same people calling the Muslims today barbarians!
The topic is: About Gerard's response to Exposé on Christianity!
This is a reply to Msg 4107
Posted by Lets Continue This Discussion on October 13 2007 at 4:40 PM
Messages in this topic
If those events were not documented and preserved no one today would believe how cruel European men have been while imposing their religion on others and those are the same people calling the Muslims today barbarians! > >
Lets Continue This Discussion, 13-Oct-07 4:40 pm
Please understand that I am not condemning Christians more than I am any other religious organization. I am simply saying that, to me, they all have their share of horrors. Yes some like Christianity have more than others, but the Islamic traditions > >
Linda, 14-Oct-07 1:51 pm